
Friday, December 11, 2020

CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine

In an article on the COVID vaccine rollout, CNN says that Americans shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine because “deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.” 


  1. Wirecutter,
    Perhaps you could help spread the word of an anti tyranny party on December 16th.

    David Knight hosted Paul earlier today.
    Jump to 1:04:46

  2. I will, regretfully, be alarmed if people start dying after receiving the covid vaccine. If they start dying in large numbers, I will be exceptionally alarmed.


    1. Don't be alarmed if it turns out that many deaths are actually caused by other factors, such as lead poisoning, car jacking, urban sport shooting, heart disease, drug overdoses, slip and fall accidents, auto crashes, and ratting out Hillary Clinton.

  3. Death isn't the objective. Depopulation is but if you doubt that then read this (after a few beers first):

    BTW - the SCOTUS ruling has now sentenced the western world to a living hell. We all know the election was rigged and Trump won by a landslide but life is about to get far worse. Stock up massively while you can...

  4. MSM says "nothing to see here, move along" as if anyone will believe them.

  5. “deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with covid.”

    1. It seems everything will be just as it has been since man first left footprints on this planet.
      People at the end of their lifespan die.

  6. NO vaccine for my 58 year old ass

  7. The use of words here.... Continuing to die after the vaccine and Starting to die after the vaccine mean two different things to me. I'm being facetious. Don't get all serous, philosophical or stupid on me. I'm just trying to have a good time in life here.

  8. Mortal vaccine. I like it!

    Its like the lottery is a tax on those that dont know math, only its Darwin, cleaning up the gene pool by killing off the stupidest.

    PFIZER has a long history of issuing vccines that kill and maim.

    My family will not be partaking of that brand of idiocy, thank you very much.

    Man rose to the position of apex predator on brain power.

    Unfortunately, the "doo gooders", control freaks and personal injury lawyers have been trying deny Dawrin for several generations. Result: We have an enormous population of stupid people that actually celebrate ignorance and denigrate their peers when they try to get educated.

    This is a gooden opportunity to let the criminals kill the feeble minded, then go after the criminals.

    Win win for me.

  9. I volunteer to vaccinate Bill, Melinda, their kids, and all their relatives-and it won't be sugar water they would be expecting in those syringes.

    1. Dont' forget to do the same to everyone in U.S. goverment, from city, county, state and federal to include all of their families....first. If they all die, I won't shed very many tears as the only politician I knew personally retired more than 20 years ago...

  10. so when do we start killing these bastards ??

  11. Pioneers are the ones lying face down on the plains, with arrows in their backs.

  12. And the corollary:
    * Be alarmed if people do not die after not getting inoculated.

  13. But seriously: I'm old enough to recall the rushed-to-market swine flu. I seem to recall that there were significant numbers of 'adverse reactions' at the time due to inadequate testing. I'll wait a bit.

  14. They really think we are all that stupid.


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