
Friday, December 11, 2020

Biden’s First Executive Order to be ‘Gun Control’…

Get it? He’s going to start the moves necessary to disarm the populace. You won’t be able to bury them fast enough, you can’t sell them, you can’t hide them. Best thing to do will be to hold on to them and refuse to comply. That means standing in the gap and doing what nobody wants but what must be done to keep the Republic.


  1. Better be DAMN well ready to USE them.

    1. And have close, trustworthy friends ready to use theirs as well.

  2. Good luck asshoe!

    Chutes Magoo

  3. Not seeing any of this happen. No way.

  4. What? I dunno what yer talking about?

  5. Seriously....
    Those of you with your heads in the sand pretending this isn't all happening, that the communists really aren't in the middle of taking this country over: this is real. This is happening, and its taking place right in front of you.

    1. You are correct Anon. Despite all the fantasy-laden, bellicose bellowing it's game over.

    2. Seriously....
      These bolshevik buttfarmers have been at it for decades.
      Same sorry old threats, different loaf of talking poop laden with peanuts.
      The freakout isn't new, this isn't new.
      Ain't. Gonna. Happen. Period.

  6. Anyone trying to steal or other wise inhibit me or my property is going to be killed.

  7. Time to execute any and all govt employees.
    They are all complicent and therefore traitors.
    To be fair, start with all the Ds

  8. When it’s time to bury your guns, it’s time to dig them up. Carlosthedragon.

  9. More not-so good news:

  10. Believe the other side is gearing up for what they see as a window of opportunity. From a jobsite yesterday. Abbreviated

    Constitutional Litigation Fellow
    Position Snapshot
    Date Posted:
    December 10th 2020
    San Francisco, CA, USA
    Position Details
    Title: Constitutional Litigation Fellow

    Location: San Francisco, CA: New York, NY; or Washington, DC

    The legal experts at Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence fight for a safer America by researching, drafting, and defending the laws, policies, and programs proven to save lives from gun violence. The organization was founded over 25 years ago following a gun massacre at a San Francisco law firm and was renamed in 2017 after joining forces with the gun-safety organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Today, Giffords Law Center provides free assistance and expertise to lawmakers, advocates, legal professionals, law enforcement officials, and citizens who seek to improve the safety of their communities.

    Giffords Law Center seeks a recent law school graduate for a fellowship focusing on the Second Amendment and other constitutional litigation theories. This role is being created to respond to recent shifts in the courts and an increased volume of gun policy litigation. The Constitutional Litigation Fellow will expand our litigation team’s capacity to draft amicus briefs and other publications on firearms law and gun violence prevention. They will also advise litigation partners, advocates, and academic community members on emerging Second Amendment and constitutional issues affecting gun policy.

    This is a full-time two-year fellowship based in either our San Francisco, CA; New York, NY; or Washington, DC offices.

    Giffords Law Center believes all Americans deserve to live without the fear of being shot, and therefore supports interpretations of the Constitution that advance safety and equity for communities most impacted by gun violence.
    Duties + Responsibilities

    Work with litigation team members to identify and track Second Amendment and other cases poised to set significant precedents affecting gun safety.
    Support advancement of scholarship on firearms law, including by attending or organizing conferences, and tracking or publishing articles on gun policy issues.
    Coordinate and edit amicus briefs defending gun violence prevention policies, and become the point person for designated pro bono partners or amicus briefs.
    Serve as a thought partner to Giffords teams and legislative and policy partners by advising on relevant case law, research, and jurisprudential trends; as well as the impact of judicial nominees and other breaking news involving the courts.
    Evaluate litigation partnership needs and provide technical assistance to outside lawyers defending legal challenges to gun violence prevention policies.
    Support other litigation team members with legal research and document drafting as well as organizational and case-tracking assistance.
    Draft and publish commentary, blog posts, and other public-facing materials on significant litigation developments, and other duties as assigned.

    Required Knowledge, Skills + Experience

    JD degree and 0-2 years of post-law school experience.
    Commitment to Giffords Law Center’s mission.
    Experience with legal analysis, analyzing doctrinal trends, and significant research and writing projects.
    Curiosity and eagerness to gain expertise on new areas of the law and grow the development of scholarship affecting gun policy.
    Ability to creatively problem-solve, and use interpersonal skills to act as a helpful conduit of information and enthusiastic thought partner to diverse stakeholders.
    Ability to balance and prioritize faster-paced collaborative work with independent research, writing, case tracking, and editing projects.

    Valued Non-essential Knowledge, Skills, + Experience

    Law review experience, judicial externship, or judicial clerkship
    Previous familiarity with the Second Amendment, legal history, appellate litigation, US Supreme Court doctrinal trends, or public health research

    1. I can't remember where I read this a week or so ago, but the article claimed that the "fedgov" studied forced gun seizures. Their consensus was that East of the Mississippi River it would only take three weeks for every fedgov gun seizure officer to be dead with no volunteers. And West or the Mississippi the time factor would be shorter.

      I think when they want our guns they will go about it altogether differently. They have had such good success with the covid panic, they are liable to start some MK-Ultra panic about guns and your sweet granddaughter or grandson will turn you because panic.

    2. Gifford's husband, with deep financial ties to China, just won the senate seat in AZ.

  11. I'll be sure to unload them when they arrive.... gonna be safe and shit.

  12. I'm 64, hard working and law abiding. I am not burying anything, reporting anything stolen, lost, etc. I will not become a refugee in my own country as there is nowhere to run anyway. Lived well, will die the same. That's just the way it is.

  13. I will not comply and will defend my property and constitutional rights by any means necessary.

  14. BATFE raided polymer80 this week, for the crime of making "ghost guns" as determined by the MSM. An unfinished 80% lower whether glock or AR platform is not a firearm, and requires a minimum level of skill to be turned into one. When this is done the. You have a functioning firearm, and when done for personal use no serial number is required, when done as a commercial venture they should have some tracking number if nothing else just to make it easier to keep separated in the safe.
    If the BATFE is unleashed and goes rouge things will get interesting on both ends of the support chain both at the owner and manufacturing levels.

  15. Geez-US.. Anyone ever pay attention to History? These same control tactics are among the first steps taken to totalitarian control. Anybody remember an elite politician going to prison for well documented crimes where had it been you or I we'd soon be guests at the Razor Wire Hotel. The ruling class is being placed folks, what will you do?

  16. Well, on the bright side, if they decide to come for my guns they definitely won't have a slot open for me at the shovel ready job campsite.
    Same goes for the vaccine.


  17. Biden and the Democrats will have no
    Problem calling in the united nations to disarm american citizens

  18. MK Ultra candidate post on Craigslist multiple large metro areas coming . MRDD republican desired . Please send resume asap .

  19. I heard a recording where he said he wasn't going to EO assault rifles because the next guy can come along and legalize machine guns. Maybe that's just to throw us off

  20. Ok Joe, but whoever you send ain't coming back.

  21. Ok Joe, but whoever you send ain't coming back.


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