
Friday, December 11, 2020

New Yorkers May Have to Pay Package Delivery Surcharge to Help Fund MTA

With the Metropolitan Transportation Authority facing a budget crisis, New Yorkers may have to dig into their pockets to help out. 

Under a new proposed bill, New York City residents would be required to pay a $3 surcharge on packages they ordered online, with the exception for medicine and food.


  1. Yeah, man. More taxes are just the recipe for keeping even more people from moving out of NYC. The idiocy never ends, does it?

  2. Hold onto your wallets. While nyc is talking $3 per box, other jurisdictions are talking about a $1 charge per box.

    They have to make up the tax shortage (from the shut down) somehow.

    De Oppresso Liber

  3. God forbid government workers should get laid off because of the panic.

  4. What? People aren't leaving NYFC fast enough?

  5. Typical Demotard bullshit. Shut down the city, loose money for transportation then tax the people to make up for it, fucking morons!!! The problem with this is once they start this tax it will NEVER go away even when thing get back to normal.

    1. My trash hauler added a fuel cost adjustment about 15 years ago. Even after diesel price went way down he never took his surcharge off.

  6. Didn't NYC remove the fines/penalties for turnstile jumping and not paying fares recently? Now the law abiding citizens have to pay more.


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