
Friday, December 11, 2020

The Elephant in the Room

There are very few human symbols that find absolute approval or, in the alternative, disapproval. Symbols are called that because they represent something far larger than themselves. An unknown symbol is an oxymoron. At present, the symbol that is seemingly most under attack in this country is the Confederate battle flag albeit other flags that represented that short-lived, tragic nation, the Confederate States of America are also under assault—especially those that contain the battle flag in their canton.


  1. The old Georgia flag was the state seal on a blue field with the Battle Flag. After some business noise (always), it was replaced with some ugly POS. After some non-business noise, that one was replaced with a flag with the state seal in place of the circle of state stars on the Stars and Bars. The good thing about this is that even some Confederate Americans don't know what the Stars and Bars is. The flag has lasted seventeen years now, but once we turn Blue someone will notice.

  2. So as not to offend we fly the Confederate National and the bonnie blue - the first flag of rebellion

  3. When Nikki Haley first wanted the stars-n-bars removed from her state, I went looking for one while they could still be had. My daughter in Arkansas found one and sent it to me.
    Driving across redneck Oregon this weekend, one of the ranches I passed has replaced their "Trump 2020--No More Bullshit" flag with a new one--a bright red and green one with a banana in the center and four more on the corners. Just look up "banana republic flag" to see it. Depending on how this next month plays out, I may be flying one too.


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