
Friday, December 11, 2020

C.D.C. Call for Data on Vaccine Recipients Raises Alarm Over Privacy

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is requiring states to submit personal information of people vaccinated against Covid-19 — including names, birth dates, ethnicities and addresses — raising alarms among state officials who fear that a federal vaccine registry could be misused. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is instructing states to sign so-called data use agreements that commit them for the first time to sharing personal information in existing registries with the federal government. Some states, such as New York, are pushing back, either refusing to sign or signing while refusing to share the information.


  1. Fake news... direct violation of HIPAA laws.

  2. What's the right balance. We'd prefer that Americans (and most Canadians and some others) not die, but, and its a gargantuan "but"; I trust the state and federal governments about as far as I can throw a Kenworth.

    If there was a "misuse this data and we kill you and everyone related to you, your neighbors, and your bankers" clause then I might accept it. Otherwise, rightly fuck off.

  3. Saying that it's the Trump Administration wanting this info may be misleading. Seems to me that some bureaucrats at the CDC are the ones pushing this. When Trump learns of this that may be the end of it. But it's all smoke and shadows anyway.

  4. If you read the article you will see it is the CDC seeking this information....NOT the Trump Administration. More lies and slander by the Media whores. I have zero doubt this effort comes directly from the apparatchiks at the CDC and Trump had NOTHING to do with it.

  5. At 79, I've had 'bout every vaccine there is for a person not traveling abroad, but I'm leery of this one. A whole bunch of other people need to take it and not be harmed by it before I'm ready. What scares me is that Vaccine ID Card which will if not required by the government, will be required by businesses. This happened with masks in my no-mandate county.

    1. According to HIPAA, businesses are not allowed to inquire or discriminate as to your health. Well, they can, and you can tell them to FO, then they ban you, then you sue them into oblivion. But the opinionists formerly known as journalists would never let you know this.

  6. If I dont take the vax I must continue to wear a mask, social distance, live off of .gov universal basic income in a quarantine camp for the rest of my life. OR take the experimental dna altering vax and then I can wear a mask, social distance and live off of .gov universal income but now I would be allowed to leave my cubical for a few hours per day to perform whatever job assignments I am given by my .gov "councilor". I choose option 3 -

    1. If you listen to what the democrats are saying, you will still be wearing a muzzle even if you are forced to take the vaccine

  7. Funny how the government can come up with a list of every single American who's had or refused a vaccine but can't come up with a list of those eligible to vote.

    1. Funny, maybe, but wars have been fought over lesser things.

  8. But a registry of gun owners ... no way that could be misused.

  9. The CDC is not the "government". Especially when you realize they have the patents on most of the pestilence floating around, including Muh Covid and Ebola.

  10. They do this for all vaccines and medications. They also record the batch number of the vaccine that was administered. It's in case there is a problem that shows up. They can trace the problem back to a possible bad batch. The information is not made public. It is usually kept at the hospital or clinic where it was administered and only released if needed as part of an investigation. Security, hacking and date breaches are another matter entirely. How do I know this? Insider information. I have several friends who work in the medical field as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and even administrators.

    1. ^^^^^THIS.

      I am medical. When you get a influenza vaccine or tetanus or MMR or etc, some of your personal ID is on the paperwork but ALL of your personal ID is in the computer. Then the manufacturer of the vaccine, the lot number, and expiration date is logged as well as the site (on your body) where the vaccine was given. BTW - if you're ever inpatient in the hospital, ALL of this data is automatically uploaded to your electronic chart EVERYTIME we scan your medical bracelet and the medicine.

  11. Checked the two vaccines against the Rx I take on one of the drug interaction websites. It says "No interactions found", but then follows up with language that "does not mean interactions do not exist" or some such shit. Some comfort. Let all the politicians take it and then check back with me in a year or two. In other words, fuck off.

    1. You don't really believe the whores will be taking the actual vaccine, do you? I nearly spit out my teeth over the ex-presidents saying they will do it in public. I'll believe that when I get to administer the jab.

    2. Considering the amount of time that has elapsed (or rather the lack thereof) since exploration/production, there won't be much (if any) data available.


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