
Friday, December 18, 2020

Can't fool us

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - Only 15 percent of registered Republicans in Tennessee believe Joe Biden to be the legitimate winner of the presidential election, according to a new poll from Vanderbilt. 


I'm still seeing Trump yard signs and flags all over the county.


  1. Our Trump flag is still up and flying.

  2. What and see what happens 1/6/2021. I don’t think the dems are acting like someone who won.

    1. you know, i agree and told my wife that very thing a couple weeks ago. last time they crowed and partied but this time silence.

  3. dam near EVERY trump sign is still up here. flags too. don't see ANY biden signs.

  4. Lots of seething anger her in Idaho. Lots.

  5. Just drove across country. (NC, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, AZ). Lots of pro Trump. Very few for Biden. Online have seen lots of threats about the left starting lists of Trump supporters, might be time to return the favor to the pro Biden people.

    1. Would hanging around Trump signs and flags, waiting for the Antifa/BLM to come to you be considered hunting over bait?

      (Asking for a friend.)

  6. My flags and signs are up, and I make sure to wear the MAGA hat to the Post Office every day. With no mask. BFYTW.

  7. We've got a very nice professional Trump/Pence sign on the south end of Crescent City, California, and a number of very nice ones nailed higher up on the redwood trees that line many of our roads. I have not seen any paper signs for Trump, and no Biden signs at all in Del Norte County.

  8. It was that high HUHH? Must have in an urban area not real PRESIDENT TRUMP COUNTRY. They probably did the polling in RINO ROMNEY'S Neighborhood


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