
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Chilling images show NYC church shooter had gasoline, knives, rope

A chilling image shows the full can of gasoline, knives — and worn bible — that police say the St. John the Divine Cathedral gunman brought with him when he opened fire outside the Harlem church on Sunday.


  1. "Cops did not immediately identify the shooter."

    Maybe that's because it's a son of Allah a vine-swinger or both. If it was a white supremist his name would be broadcast all across the country by the fake-news as a disgruntled Trump supporter.

    1. From the pictures I would say he was white. About half way down the page here there are two pictures, one with a mask and one without.

  2. Not surprising. Just shows to me those who have or have attempted to prey on unarmed civilians are not right in the head. Its not the weapon, its the person who wields it.

  3. From the article......

    Three hero officers confronted the shooter, firing some 15 rounds at him, Shea said.

    The suspect was struck at least once in the head during the shootout and pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.

    FIFTEEN rounds fired and was struck at least ONCE.......OI!!

  4. "when he opened fire outside the Harlem church on Sunday"

    I love how they specify a "Harlem church", brings up images of a black Baptist church with a Gospel choir. St John the Divine is the Cathedral of the Episcopal Church of the USA (ECUSA) and you won't find a more WASPy, white-bread, Liberal denomination anywhere.

    Mark D

    1. I have Old Dutch ancestors who farmed in Harlem back in the 17th century-I'm pretty sure the area then was a productive farming area with mostly Dutch Reformed churchgoers who likely would give today's Amish a run for the money.

  5. That red gas can is the same model used at Waco.

  6. Is NYC police. Handicapped by the 12 pound triggers on their Glocks, by DeBlasios' hostility, and by limited training budgets.
    One good hit out of 15? At least no bystanders shot this time.
    John in Indy

  7. If he also had zip ties and duct tape, I'd think he'd have seen my "Dating in Modern America" TED talk.


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