
Thursday, December 17, 2020

I thought they only did this to Right wing politicians

Former Cuomo staffer says the New York governor sexually harassed her 'for years'

A former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a tweet on Sunday that the New York official sexually harassed her for years while she was employed in his office. 
"Yes, @NYGovCuomo sexually harassed me for years," said Lindsey Boylan, who worked for the governor between 2015 and 2018. Boylan was an advisor to Cuomo, as well as the deputy secretary for economic development, according to her LinkedIn profile. 


Cuomo denies sexual harassment allegation from former staffer

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has denied allegations that he sexually harassed one of his former staffers, New York Daily News reports.

Cuomo said in a statement that "a woman has the right to come forward and express her opinion" but further described the allegations as "simply not true."


  1. Biden indicated Cuomo might be in line for the AG slot and the Socialists, like AOC, do not want him because he's still got a little Italian/Catholic taint, so it's "toss him under the bus" time.

    1. I don't believe he'll be taking the AG slot. He's had his sights set on the Oval Office and NO AG has been elected President in this country and he won't be the first if he takes that slot and he knows it.

      That's why wrote (or more likely had it ghost written) his book and had his brother persuade the EMMY governing board to give him an EMMY for his daily briefings. He's been polishing his resume since the pandemic started and he's not going to stop until he's elected President or is soundly defeated.

      Until President Trump there were only two ways to the Oval. Through a Governorship or through the Senate. Two clubs which we ain't in.


    2. "Until President Trump there were only two ways to the Oval. Through a Governorship or through the Senate."

      Um, 19 presidents came from the House.

  2. well she is looking to run for office so there is that, on the other hand the mantra is "believe all women"

  3. Replies
    1. Like his brother Fredo, he's still in the closet for political reasons. But he does sport "nipple piercings".

  4. Always now after years of this bullshit. Its probably true but meh she never left.

  5. Don't surprise me. That was how it was in Arkansas 30 years ago with a democrat governor. Daryl

  6. "There's no truth to these allegations. Look! A squirrel!"

  7. Note the sneaky wording. He is ACCUSED of sexual harassment. It is not a matter of OPINION. (Whether he is actually guilty of harassing this woman is a different thing. the point is that she accused him.)

    An OPINION is something like "chocolate ice cream is better than strawberry" or "Godzilla is totally tougher than King Kong", that is to say, essentially unverifiable and a matter of belief rather than fact. On the other hand, if I say "John sideswiped my car in the parking lot, and scratched the fuck out of the whole driver's side" that is not an opinion, it's an accusation that can be proved or disproved (proved beyond reasonable doubt, that is).

    By calling the accusation an "opinion" Cuomo is dismissing her accusation in particular, and trivializing sexual harassment in general. Fuck Andrew and fuck his hothead borderline-retard brother too.

    @Skipperdaddy. No reason he can't be both a pillowbiter AND be sexually harassing women. How dare you force a binary sexual-social paradigm on him. (Gosh, I hope I haven't misgendered him (?) Me not knowing his(?) pronouns and all.)

  8. He will be exonerated by attrition. Nobody will pursue these accusations because, being a Dem hack, he has better intentions than people like Kavanaugh and Thomas. More of the same double standard. Bend over and grab your ankles, the sandpaper encased lincoln log is coming to visit.

  9. I have no doubt Cuomo is a shitty person, but 3 years? Why didn't she quit or come forward sooner?

    1. Why didn't Anita Hill?

      Not only did she not quit, she followed him from one job to the next, and gave a bullshit excuse when she was asked about it.

  10. Everything else aside, she wouldn't get much sleep in my house. Not much at all.

  11. Leftists commit all manner of heinous acts. But since the left and their sycophants have NO morals, NO rules and NO conscience they aren't held to any standards of conduct and therefore are never either courts or the media.

  12. Let's not forget "Dr." Jill's favorite pervert, the guy who brought into our lexicon the novel phrase "digital penetration" with his attack on Tara Reade, one of his political groupies who likely had visions of riding the man's coattails as he moved up on the scale of corruption in Washington. Then again, all this makes one wonder if Jill had a similar digital moment when he was hustling her as a young, foolish married woman. Thanks to the lame media, we don't hear much about that digital act either.


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