
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Own an AR pistol? You might want to watch this...

 Now, after watching this video Wednesday evening, I went to SB Tactical's site and checked all of their listings for ARs. Most of them were out of stock which I initially took as them suspending sales, but I did run across a couple that were in stock and for sale. PSA is also selling SB Tactical braces (as well as others) and they are in stock.

Anyways, watch the video and judge for yourself. There is documentation in the form of a PDF link below the video itself if you want to give yourself a headache this early in the morning.


The US DOJ is going to be redefining braces to be stocks using vague criteria to make a once legal firearm an unregistered sbr. THIS IS NOT GOOD. 

VIDEO HERE  (8:23 minutes)


  1. These braces make it a short barreled rifle ( SBR ), subject to NFA '34 rules. BATFE can do this leagely. If you want a SBR, pay the tax!

    1. You are incorrect. Go Troll somewhere else

    2. Read the preamble to the first 10 amendments. Then read the second amendment. Unless you are illiterate then you will understand that the original constitution granted the Feds the power to tax and regulate interstate and foreign commerce. As the preamble makes clear the purpose of the first 10 amendments was to clarify and enact further restrictions on the federal government. Since the power to tax and the power to regulate interstate and foreign commerce were the only powers granted to the feds that could plausibly be used to restrict the ownership of arms, the purpose of the 2nd amendment was to enact limitations on these two powers. The 2nd amendment was, therefore, and explicit prohibition of the federal government from using thee power to tax and regulate interstate and foreign commerce to in anyway infringe on the pre-existing, natural right to keep and bear arms.

      Any tax on arms is unlawful. Any attempt impede the right to keep and bear arms under the auspices of the commerce clause is unlawful.

      So piss off.

    3. "Unless you are illiterate"

      Post being responded to: "BATFE can do this leagely."


  2. Personally I don't give a shit what any alphabet soup origination says, I'm not changing how I live or comply with any communist censorship or seizures of my property.

  3. This would all be a lot easier if the BATFE could just admit that the government has no interest in defining the difference between pistols and long guns or "short" long guns. It's all just marketing, not anything useful for law enforcement to know.


  4. I saw that this morning and thought, "what a sack of shit". The way I understood it, interpolation will be on a "case by case basis". It is like the DOJ/ATF saying, "well, you bought it as a legal pistol, but if we need to drum up additional felony charges on you, we can charge you with having a SBR". I guess that translates too if you are BLM or ANTIFA you can have them, but if you are a law-abiding American we have some leverage over you. There are no illegal guns. but only illegal governments.

  5. I don't mean to be contrarian, but all should have seen this coming. I would have thought it would be delayed; who in their right mind would have suspected that the Dems would be able to get away with such a blatant exercise of fraud?

    The Dems are authoritarian and the rules around rifle caliber pistols and SBRs are openly a matter of rank interpretation. The rule making ability of federal agencies and lack of legitimate ex post facto oversight is stunning. Any realistic observation of the facts and history would lead to the conclusion that this would be coming as soon as the regulators got an agreeable administration.

  6. Predicting a capricious bunch of authoritarians would one day change rules doesn't mean that when they do that, it's RIGHT. Who made it legal to have that brace? THEY DID,,so suddenly they realize they had Been WRONG to do that? And why should I believe it's the New Rule that makes sense?
    It's like Mom suddenly decides that walking to the store unsupervised is too far and too dangerous, but it has been allowed all your life until today, AND since you walked to the store yesterday, NOW you're grounded...

    Yeah,, Bullshit

  7. Forget the arm braces. Get rid of 'em. There is a YouTube video where a guy uses what he calls a "cheek weld", he puts the buffer tube against his cheek like a short stock. Aims it like a short (B) rifle. I'm not a weakling but my pistol weighs about 5 1/2 pounds w/o a mag or a pistol brace. Holding that kind of rig at arms length would make for very sloppy shooting on my part

    1. Considering I shoot my Glock from the side (with the pistol up against my side), from my elbow bent 90-degrees (both 1-handed AND 2-handed), the number of hands shouldn’t be the indicator.

    2. It looks to be a very awkward gun to use (without the stock attachment). Never understood the allure to the gun. But, anyone that wants it, can have as many as they want.

    3. Even without a brace, a 300 blackout PDW would be excellent to carry around the farm with me for hog defense.

  8. Get rid of the pistol brace and use the cheek weld technique (YouTube). Now if they make an ar15 pistol w/o an arm brace illegal that is something else entirely

  9. Obviously pure speculation on my part, I think they’ll do an ‘amnesty’ type thing with the braces. Considered SBRs from this point forward, but the govt will be ‘nice’ and allow them to be registered without paying the 200$ tax, but after that date, the unregistered braces/pistols will now be considered illegal SBRs with the concurrent prison/fines/prohibited person punishment. Unclear on whether it will be the brace that’s registered, or the lower receiver. Obviously a brace isn’t a firearm, but a suppressor isn’t either. Either way, they’ll come after them. I highly doubt they’re going to kick in your doors looking for them, but if you get popped for speeding, or whatever else gets you attention, and have one on you, guess what? Now you get fucked.


    1. and that "amnesty" will come with a "payment due." While it won't cost you any money at the time, the govt will now have all of your information on file, with SPECIFICS, and at som time in the very near future, payment due will occur with a knock on the door for collection (not monies).


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