
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Elizabeth Banks slams ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws as ‘BS,’ ‘permission to kill people’

Actress Elizabeth Banks spoke out against "Stand Your Ground" laws in a series of tweets Friday, writing they only "endanger your neighbors." 

The "Mrs. America" actress and "Press Your Luck" game-show host recalled an incident from childhood when she and some friends were playing hide-and-seek in their neighborhood and they hid behind a tree in a neighbor’s yard. 


  1. She was hot...until she opened her dick holster and started talking.

  2. I can not make the link work . no biggie , not like I give two shits about what some hollywierd skank thinks anyhow

  3. We can't all live in fantasy land, where crime just doesn't happen because of the private security force.

  4. Link is not working for me either. She is hot but that’s about all she has going for her.

  5. I was denied access to the server that runs the Fox article. Censured!!!

    1. They want you to go to their homepage and scroll down. I got there that way after the "access denied" message. It's all about eyes on ads.

    2. It's a well-known bug with Fox News links and the blogspot platform. Copy and paste the URL into a new browser tab and it should go right through.

  6. Hey, Lizzie, if you don't believe in "Stand Your Ground", don't do it. When that guy invades your house, just let him rape and kill you and your family. It's no sweat off my ass!!!

    But don't tell me what to do if my family is in danger. I'm not letting them die or be hurt so that your brain dead little LIE-beral feelings aren't hurt!!!

  7. She should probably just stick to acting since her description of that law is something from some anti-gun script and has pretty much nothing to do with the actual law...

    1. An actress speaks other people's words.


      I think she's talking out her ass because her mouth knows better.

    2. "She should probably just stick to acting"

      Why? She sucks at that, too.

  8. We don’t need your permission to defend ourselves.

  9. Just a slightly better fed version of fellow skank Taylor Swift.

    Nothing to see here, just move along.

  10. From an expert that actually makes most of her pocket money as a spokesperson for Realtor dot com.

  11. Found the article here:
    Hope it stays!

  12. Never heard of her, don't give a fuck. Piss off bitch

  13. She doesn't know what she's talking about. Let some 250 lb Amish guy break into her house at 3 in the morning and she'll change her tune.....pronto! I wish these Hwood people would have the sense to just STFU!

  14. So - she recalled an incident playing hide-and-seek, and hid behind a neighbor's tree. Because, as everybody knows, there is no difference between a small child playing games and an adult criminal.

    1. Maybe let the neighbor know you're playing in his yard, or better yet, why not ask permission?

  15. Bitch needs to understand that the real world ain't no Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.

  16. She was hot in "Walk of Shame", but she's one of those broads who lose their charm as soon as they open their mouth....

  17. Love it when a news site doesn't allow comments. But then again, it's Benedict Fox, so they can go FOAD.

    Sure, she doesn't believe in SYG and Self Defense laws, but lives within a gated community with private security...


    Would look good as a hood ornament on my post-apocalyptic vehicle (splattered on the hood, that is.)

    1. the sad/scary thing about these types of people is that they truly believe the dirtbags have legitimate claims.

  18. Fox must not like a link from Kenny. Anyways the story was that she was trespassing and the home owner fired an arrow at the tree she was behind, she said it was a professional bow and arrow too lol loony

  19. There are probably about 17 goat fuckers right now trying to find her address.

  20. Who is Elizabeth Banks? And why should I give a fuck, shit, damn or otherwise care what she has to say? By the way, neither does reality

  21. Elizabeth Banks, you ignorant slut! If you don't want homeowners defending their own homes, tell your pet animals not to try to rob the home. It's too bad that being that stupid doesn't hurt, then people either wouldn't have such stupid ideas, or they'd keep their fucking mouths shut.


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