
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

He was a lot calmer than I would've been



  1. I'm thinking this isn't the first time

  2. Maybe he's calm because he just arrived from his "side piece's" apartment.

  3. Nasty bitch ain't worth jail time or not seeing my kid. Fuck her. He did the right thing. Good on him. But yeah man..... oh yeah the thoughts....

    1. He's still going to get fucked in family court. Adultery has nothing to do with 'the best interests of the child,' which always and only includes a lifetime of financial slavery to mom. His non-violent reaction might give him a chance to visit his daughter for 2 hours/week, but mom can easily fuck him over on that too if she feels like it.

  4. WTF?....I kept expecting to hear a couple of gunshots....evidently he's not a jealous man....

  5. He was calm because he KNEW what was behind the door and this was his way to get OUT. The camera footage didn't happen accidentally, it was planned. Smart and intelligent man.

    1. Exactly. He's going to use the video as evidence in his divorce; said as much. He's smart enough to not say or do anything threatening or violent on his own goddamn evidence tape.

  6. He’s calm because he’s thankful that she just gave him an exit that didn’t involve losing everything.

  7. Lot calmer that I would have been. But toss the bitch.

  8. Part of their culture. Whether they live in a gated community or the other side of the tracks, this is part of their culture.

    1. Not just their culture, it’s the entire human race. Grass is always greener... or in this case that pussy/dick has to be better. Not judging, because if I weren’t so ugly and 40 lbs overweight I might think about it too.

    2. Be grateful MadMarlin, if those 40 lbs are saving you from all kinds of trouble and heartbreak and keeping you from sin.

    3. It's more than the human race. I recall a science study about two decades ago although I'd never find a link to it now. They DNA-tested a colony of birds, one of the kinds that "mates for life". Up to 30% of the chicks didn't match the male who was helping raise them.

  9. As John Prine said in his song The Great Compromise...."Well, you know I could have beat up that fellow, But it was her that had hopped into his car.
    Many times I'd fought to protect her, But this time she was goin' too far
    Now some folks they call me a coward, 'Cause I left her at the drive-in that night
    But I'd druther have names thrown at me, Than to fight for a thing that ain't right"

    Some things are NOT worth fighting for especially when you risk losing your kid.

  10. Maybe that’s his buddy who agreed to do him a favor.

  11. He got issues. The normal reaction of those two should be scared and putting on clothes. They seem to be waiting for him to leave so they can get back at it. Jeez.

    1. Ain't "he" that's got issues, it's "they" got issues.

  12. Have a nice day.
    Ha! Class.

  13. He is calm because he knows something that a lot of people can't figure out: that the opposite of love is not's indifference.
    So in essence, he actually cut her a lot deeper by showing that she is not worth any deep emotion(s) from him.
    He very wisely gave her exactly what she deserved.....indifference.

    Tim in AK

    1. and a car bomb, after the papers are through...

    2. That distinction is only understood by people with more than two brain cells to rub together. People that cheat on their spouses, especially the ones that do it in their own home, really don't give a shit about the indifference showed by their spouse after they're caught. If they did, they wouldn't cheat or at least wouldn't do it at home.


  14. On the way out of my last marriage, when the soon to be X started shit I had three answers to her bullshit;
    1. Thank You
    2. Thats sad
    3. Thats discouraging

    These would cause her to literally scream. But thats all she ever got from/out of me after a point.

  15. He's calm because the heartbreak in this relationship has already happened. The other man did him a favor by replacing him.

  16. "This won't be seen by anyone other than the judge."
    And the whole internet!

  17. I would oft wonder what would be my reaction in that scenario. I surprised myself when it happened. No theatrics, no threats, no anger. I simply turned and walked away. Tim In AK is exactly correct. Indifference is the opposite of love.

  18. If it is in mexafornia she will probably get everything anyway. Even with the video being shown to the judge. This state is not male friendly at all.

    1. I have to disagree. My daughter and SIL spit up and divorced almost 18 years ago. He would only pay child support when threatened by the State. Then once the State would back off, he would stop payments. Finally after pushing for some justice daughter forced a full court hearing and got heard in 2018. Ex-husband owed over $100,000 in back child care payments. Kids are now grown and want nothing to do with him. He cheated her from the get-go. I had warned her about him before marriage, but she knew who she wanted kids with. And later after divorce, I warned her he would fuck her over, which he did. I even offered to kill him, but she still thought he would "do" the "right thing" for his kids. He didn't give a shit about his kids. He was always the low-life I had pegged him to be.

  19. Same thing happened to my nephew. Walked in on the cheating bitch, with cell phone in hand. :) Yeah, she shit on him for the last time. I still feel sorry for their little boy tho.

  20. When I worked around inmates at a conservation camp in the '70s half of the minimum security inmates working there were serving 7 years for killing a guy that they caught in bed with their old ladies. That always struck me as reasonable.

  21. He have at least don't a close up of her tits.

  22. Am I the only one playing Hey Joe in my mind?

  23. I know I'm a silly little old lady, but that was SERIOUSLY depressing.


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