
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Feds sue Walmart over role in opioid crisis

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department is suing Walmart, alleging the company unlawfully dispensed controlled substances through its pharmacies, helping to fuel the opioid crisis in America. 


  1. What this lawsuit essentially says is the Fed Gov assholes want to force WalMart to FOOT THE BILL and bear the burden of doing IT'S JOB....which is to find and address people who commit
    prescription fraud. If a person walks into a pharmacy with a prescription for a legal drug
    written by a LICENSED PRACTICIONER it's WalMart's job to FILL that prescription. NOT be the private investigator trying to decide if the prescription is fraudulent or the prescriber not licensed. That is the GOVERNMENT'S job. But no.....the ass clowns in power have to pass the buck, make WallyWorld pay the cost of doing THIER job and then SUE THEM for not getting it right.

  2. I can't stand wallie world BUT this is a typical bs $$ grab by the feds. probably wm pissed them off over something else unrelated

  3. Government is coming for its lock down profits piece.

    Govt boosted big box stores profits by shuttering (and killing off) a tremendous number of small businesses.

    Now they want their cut. Gotta pay the muscle.

  4. And the Sackler family are still billionaires but they are innocent.

  5. That stuff was not sold over the counter. A doctor wrote a prescription for it. Sure, some scrips were phony. But Walmart only sold what the doctors ordered. The manufacturers only made what could be sold. Instead of suing Walmart and big pharma, go after the sleazy doctors that wrote scrips in exchange for sex or money.

    1. Maybe some but as a provider writing scripts, I can guaran-damn-tee you they should be going after hospital CEO' know, the ones that are so enamored with Press-Ganey scores that we get pressure to "please the patient." I have colleagues at one large hospital ED who's paycheck is based off those same scores. I can also tell you (personal experience) that to do otherwise will result in termination, as in "you're not writing enough antibiotics or narcotics" (and THAT was in 2012)

  6. Yeah, turning a blind eye to fentanyl laced drugs crossing the southern border had nothing to do with it.
    If Corrupt China Joe’s policies are implemented this coming spring, we’ll see a multi-year surge in opioid deaths sweep this nation. And Wal-Mart will be blamed.

  7. That fucking Barr and his gang of "can't make it in the real world shysters" are on this ridiculous witch-hunt like stink on shit, but the election fraud? "Nothing to see here".

  8. I took narcotic painkillers for many years for migraines until the headaches decreased greatly in old age. I watched my uncle dying of bone cancer crying in pain because it wasn't quite time for his next morphine pill. All this opioid crisis bullshit scares me. I keep reading that it's not users like my uncle and me who are addicted but the usual drug abusers. Yes, it was hard to come off my headache medications, but not nearly as hard a stopping smoking. In this atmosphere, I hope that neither I nor mine need opioids in the futer.

  9. This is no different, BTW, than siccing the BATFE on them and treating them like Al Capone and bootleggers because they sold legal alcohol to legal purchasers, who then went out and got drunk and/or DUI, or suing them because someone who legally bought a gun or ammunition at Walmart subsequently shot people illegally.

    It's recockulous, prima facie, and should be dismissed with prejudice, especially against the entire DOJ in federal court, that include prison sentences for the prosecutors and US attorneys pushing for it, for contempt of court and illegal deprivation of constitutional rights under color of authority.

    The "opioid crisis" hasn't been fueled by grannies ODing on Norco, nor by grandson stealing pop's Percocets, nor even by any junky forging a scrip.

    It's 99% driven by people taking street-brewed carfentanil, an illegal, synthetic, non-pharmacopia knock-off of actual pharmaceutical fentanyl, and laced into heroin, which is also legal exactly nowhere, and all of it coming from pre-cursor chemicals made in China, sent to failed-state narco-country Mexico, cooked and mixed there, and then shipped across the wide-open southern U.S. border by the metric fuckton, for 60 years and more, in broad daylight, despite the official hamstringing, studied incompetence, and outright criminal corruption of the people charged with interdicting it.

    Walmart can and will beat this frivolous lawsuit in court, but that's not enough.

    This is one of those times when, before, during, and after the trial, WalMart Corp. should probably also whack the prosecutors (yes, really), every last one of them who touches this in any way, and then go after their handlers up the food chain, and all of their combined families, a la Tony Soprano, pour encourager les autres, until the message is received loud and clear.

    If I were WallyWorld, my point would be "If you're going to treat me and my legitimate, already-taxed business like it's no different than a Narco Kingpin's cartel, then I'm going to by-God act like one, until you knock that horsesh*t off permanently."

    If that takes putting some heads of TPTB on poles around D.C. on a weekly basis, so be it.
    They've got it coming, and they don't seem to learn any other way.

  10. Just a corrupt Just Us department going after a company with deep pockets to get their piece of the graft.

  11. I wonder how the management of Wally-World feels about coming into a court against an opponent with unlimited legal resources for a change.
    (Just ask anyone that's tried to sue Wally-World what this is like.)

  12. They should be sueing Pakistan,India,China and god knows what other 3rd world shit hole that is producing the crap

    1. How about the CIA who "OWNS" all the poppy fields that make heroin and export it to the entire world?

  13. Any time I have gone to WM or any pharmacy, for the good stuff, they always call back to the dr to verify the perscription and non of them are refillable.

  14. Garsh!

    Would the American OpioidCrisis© be a natural outcome of Americans' participation in TheWarToSaveAfghanPoppyFields©?

    Did the rooskies go through an identical mess a couple decades ago?
    Did that directly lead to the break-up of the Soviet Union?

    Are some Americans predicting an American version of Balkanization?

  15. @Aesop: What you say is not untrue. But on the list of people whose heads need to go up on pikes, prosecutors going after WalMart are not that high on the list. c.f. Any person with judicial authority who has refused to even entertain the possibility of significant fraud in this recent election. [@gov: I mean "pikes" figuratively and am being sarcastic. The judicial system and its office holders are all fine people. The best and most honest and straightforward. And of course there was zero fraud in the election, apart possibly from some conservative straight white widowers trying to get their dead wives registered Democrat to make it look like there was pro-Biden fraud. Zero, zip, nada, rien, none at all.]

    @BCCL: Completely innocent. Always innocent. Always singled out for persecution and demonized for absolutely no reason at all. Did you know that the Sacklers made a lot of charitable contributions to museums and the like?

    @Whynot: well said. Press Ganey is an abomination.

    @Bogsidebunny: Not necessarily "can't make it in the real world". Depends on what you value more, money or power. POWER is got from being Deep State and having the weight of Fedgov on your side. Power can always get you money, and sex, and the ability to torture your enemies using the full apparatus of the State. Money can get you sex, but not necessarily the other stuff.


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