
Thursday, December 03, 2020

Jan. 17th, 2021: The LARGEST Armed Protest Ever To Take Place On American Soil Is Scheduled

The single largest protest advocating for the rights and freedoms of all people in the United States will be taking place. In every capitol in every US state and at the federal capitol in Washington DC, attendees are asked to arrive armed with signs, sound making devices, speeches planned and whatever attire makes their statement the most pronounced. 

This will be a chance for Americans young and old to physically demonstrate to the world the massive amount of armed citizens in this country. It will be a peaceful demonstration to send a message to those in favor of gun control that Americans exist that will defend our nation, defend ourselves, defend our families and defend our rights from all threats foreign and domestic. 


  1. Live Free or Die is not yesterdays blunt wrap

  2. This could backfire unless it stays peaceful. Or as long as those showing up for the stated purpose of these events do not start any violence. But maybe it could be the spark that starts the "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more!" resistance? Remember the famous words of Thomas Jefferson. Then again, I recall that in Ukraine, certain nefarious snipers started shooting into the crowds of demonstrators. And then it got really ugly, really fast.

  3. Potential buffalo jump.

    @Anon 1205: I was just thinking that if I were an entirely fictional* nefarious globalist I'd engineer multiple instances of Visible Minorities getting shot (sniped) at multiple demonstrations. Fictional-me would probably also try to get one or two fellow whites shot too. (Just the conservative ones, who hardly count anyway.) It'd be a twofer (or 3-fer). Gun confiscation AND victimhood narratives neatly packed together.

    *fictional: obviously there is no such thing as a "globalist", much less a nefarious one. There are only good, forward-thinking progressive people of good will, and hatefilled, knuckle-dragging racist, homophobic, islamophobic, anti-Semitic xenophobes who must be either re-educated, or eliminated.

    1. Man, you crack me up. He wants to get "one or two fellow whites", says the lone Asian guy in the room. "Entirely fictional" sounds about right.

  4. Didn't literally dozens of people show up the last time someone tried to organize one of these things?

  5. I'm throwing the BS flag on this one.. showing up armed in D.C? With their restrictive gun laws, you are looking at some serious jail time.. only the gang banger can have guns in DC..

  6. Look what happened in Richmond VA. Peaceful protests don't work, you need to burn shit down, hang some traitors from lamp posts if you want to get their attention. Nothing will change as long as they feel safe.

  7. DC, NO Never.
    I don’t visit toilets and third world nations.,

    It solves ZERO

    1. Rofl!! Yeah- the toilets/DC “comfort stations” could use some updating!

  8. Ol' Remus is gone & his death is lamented, but his wisdom lives on: avoid crowds.
    --Tennessee Budd

    1. My thoughts exactly! Sure... look at Richmond - it was a model for a peaceful protest and accomplished little else. Instead what if we gathered at our respective county seats? While this also defies Ol' Remus' #1 principle, sometimes crowds are necessary and a decentralized protest would be much harder on the controllers.


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