
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

MAGA Marchers and Proud Boys Descend on D.C., Setting Fire to Churches' Black Lives Matter Signs and Getting into Stabbing Fights

Roaming bands of white supremacists trawled the streets of Washington D.C. on Saturday, setting fires to Black Lives Matter banners and getting into stabbing fights in what appeared to be a free-for all outpouring of racist rage. 


This article is the biggest crock of shit I've read in a loooong time - it sounds like it was written by somebody in the Ministry of Propaganda in North Vietnam, but I figured you'd get as big of a laugh out of it as I did. 
I kept expecting to read about the 'glorious Freedom Fighters of antifa destroying the white horde'. 


  1. Well, they reposted that from The Root, one of the many black supremacist sites given official sanction as "Really not racist, honest!"

  2. Yahoo, say no more. Propaganda mill.

  3. I thought this was an Onion or Bee article until I clicked the link.

  4. Yahoo started leaning left a while ago: at this point in time, it has fallen into the dark abyss known as CPUSA.
    Their "news" is far less trustworthy than CNN, as well as a bit more twisted. They get the Janet Cooke, for the week.

    1. If by "leaning left" you mean somewhere to the left of Mao and by "a while ago" you mean since the day they incorporated then yes, you're right.

  5. Give us the cliff notes: Did they actually use the phrase 'running dog capitalist'?

    I may die laughing before 2021.

  6. Remember when journalists at least tried to act objective? Yeah, me either...


    1. I remember Peter Jennings back when I was a kid, he seemed to be objective. But that was to me at the time, I was young and probably pretty stupid.

  7. I feel cheated. I wanted to see a video of "a band of diminutive, pinch-faced, red-hatted white men chanting."

  8. What kind of brain dead Trollop wrote that piece of excrement.

    1. . . . someone named “Ishena”. (So much for objectivism.)

    2. Ishena Robinson. You should be able to guess the race just by all the grammatical errors, and lack of vocabulary as well as the writing style. God help us.

    3. She's a black social justice warrior who emigrated from Jamaica.
      It didn't even take her a half a lifetime to hate the country that welcomed her.

  9. "Roaming bands of white supremacist"
    Opposed to peaceful black lives matter looters,arsonist, rapist and murders. I'll take the white guys thank you very much

    1. "Roaming bands of white supremacist"

      Didn't they go out of vogue about 200 years after their first appearance at Lindisfarne?

  10. Comments are active on ya-who right now. Strike while the iron's hot!

  11. If you’re getting into “a stabbing fight” you’re doing it wrong. The loser of a real knife fight goes to the morgue. The winner (for values of “win”) spends weeks in hospital and will probably never be pretty again, if he got properly tagged in the face.

    If it ever comes to the sort of race/culture war the author seems to be panting for, her side routinely will be getting dropped from hundreds of yards out when the ball is truly opened. That, plus blown up, burned to death in their homes and vehicles, etc. (If it goes on long enough, GoodWhites will get the same treatment.) She should understand that it’s really really REALLY not in her favor to have a race war.

    Fifteen-plus IQ points, actually having impulse control, ability to plan tactically (and sometimes even strategically), plus love of tools, tinkering, and things that go boom make a very very big difference.

    She would do well to realize that self-restraint is not cowardice, self-control is not inability, and forbearance is not fear.

    No threats here, I sincerely don’t want to see any of that happen. But if the low-IQ folks push hard enough (goaded and manipulated not so subtly by the high-IQ folks), neither will like what will happen.

  12. They're really not gonna like the war they think they want.

  13. Oh no! White supremacists burned blm banners. How racist. It's OK for blm to burn American Flags though, right Ishena honey?

  14. In Chicago she is protected must gonna run for office. Have fun honey

  15. It's on YAHOO, so it's automatically laughable trash.

  16. Because Trump CLEARLY lost the election?

  17. I live for the day when the MSM labels BLM a "Black Supremacist" organization!


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