
Monday, December 14, 2020

Sounds delicious!

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Donna Kalil estimates she’s eaten a dozen pythons in the last three years or so. 

That’s not including the python jerky, says Kalil, a python hunter for the South Florida Water Management District. “I eat that several times a week because I take it out with me on python hunts and I eat it out there.” 

State officials would like to see more people like Kalil putting pythons on the menu — not because of their nutritional value but as another way to encourage hunting to control their population.


I've eaten snake before just to say I did it. Wasn't impressed with it at all.


  1. I think the real battle is with the agencies of our own government.

    Example: Maybe five years ago I watched a documentary of a python hunt in the Everglades. Shown were state rangers finding and releasing pythons. They weren't even tagging them. Then when they did find a clutch of eggs of maybe twenty eggs, they measured the eggs then placed them back into the nest and left.

    Example: CA makes war against invasive species whether they be plant or animal. Yet the state allows those same species to be sold in stores.

    Those pythons would be gone after a long weekend if the state were to actually allow hunters to do what they do best, without limits, without need for tags.

    1. You must be licensed to hunt python. Get that? You have to have a license to capture the fuckers.

      Same with iguana, tegu, feral chickens, so forth and so on. At one time they were talking about having to get a license to hunt lionfish.

      How to stop invasive species... Allow full 100% hunt without license 24/7/365. Like we do on non-gubment land in Florida.

      This shit about 'must be a licensed hunter or go through a licensed hunter' is bullshit.

  2. When I was teaching a short course at a University in Wuhan, China many years ago we had lunch together each day. Most of the food was delicious! One day they served us a dish with oddly shaped chunks of meat in it - snake! Pretty tasty. I asked what kind of snake? Cobra! The scary part is that there is no refrigeration for their protein so many kitchens keep live shrimp, fish, chickens then kill and cook. The thought that live cobras were just a few yards away unnerved me. Or maybe the students were screwing with me, I will never know.

    1. The students weren't screwing with you. The venom is dangerous but there's little risk because the venom has enough value that it is usually "milked" out before the cobras are sold to restaurants, and the snakes are usually eaten before the venom sacs have a chance to recharge.

  3. That's the way I feel about alligator. Yeah, it's edible, but there are much tastier things to eat.

  4. "I've eaten snake before just to say I did it. Wasn't impressed with it at all."

    So, it DOESN'T taste just like chicken? ;-)


  5. Yep, I feel the same about white tail. They’re good, but I’d rather have angus. They’re way more exciting to hunt, too. They aren’t hard to find around here, but my neighbors shoot back at you while you’re trying to field dress em. Texans are funny about shit like that. Gotta be good with a gun and fast with a knife around here! Eod1sg Ret

    1. So that WAS you Saturday night! Sorry 'bout your tailgate. If I'd known it was you I would of used #6 instead of that double ought.

  6. I remember python as being quite good, especially in green curry, from my days in Thailand. They are hard to find around most villages because the kids chase them down and beat them with sticks to take home and cook. A friend of mine works with a primitive hill tribe group and in their language they have one word for venomous snakes, and another word, which translates as something like "beef", for pythons.

  7. Someone needs to come up with a blackened python recipe.....

    It did wonders for redfish consumption.....

    “Paul Prudhomme's recipe for blackened python.”


  8. Snake is always on the menu in the better restaurants in most of asia. It's not bad once you wrap your head around the concept. "Tastes like chicken"

    also - "Snake: the other white meat"

  9. Google "Donna Kalil". Lots of pictures of her catches. Some pretty impressive ones at that!

  10. Snake is tough. Least what I've had was.

  11. Never had snake and never would. They disgust me. I did eat Kangaroo tail once and I know it's trite, but it actually did taste like chicken. Also had wild boar once and it was pretty gamey, but the jelly they served with modulated the flavor a bit.

    1. The rattlesnake I grilled over a campfire shortly after I killed it was pretty good. Not so much after a couple days on ice.

  12. I lived in Davie Florida when I was a teen. We used to go out Alligator Alley every weekend and trap shoot. I would've loved to have a mission like Python hunting.


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