
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Video 10



  1. Just a guess here . . . she had several brothers, right?

  2. Suck it up and get wisdom kid.
    Getting mad and throwing a fit won't get you far.
    I know from experience ;-)

  3. That kid's mama needs to buy a bar of soap. He needs his mouth washed out.

  4. I woulda kicked her azz too.... The things some people think are funny aren't... I dont put up with crap like that...

  5. Future dimocrat: "That's not funny!"

  6. C'mon, Francis - are you really gonna make us say it?

  7. I'd let him fight her for a little longer.

  8. I want to know what was under the glass. Should have let them figure it out though.

  9. Buy it an iPad and you will never have to interact with it again.

  10. Anyone else notice the size of that chick's hands?

    Tim in AK

  11. Big sisters will do that, you know. My son has two to live with, but only one of them would do something like that. He's also got a little sis that would probably pull that stunt too. If the little did, he'd probably yell at her, but he is very protective of her and would not go beyond that.
    -Just A Chemist

  12. Big sister needs to understand 'little' brother will grow to be bigger and stronger than her

  13. Kinda looks like Linus 'n Lucy moment to me.

    Then again, who was taking the video? We always lose sight of the fact we aren't a "fly on the wall", i.e. its a setup, unless its a security cam or something.

  14. I had two older sisters. You go, little man.

  15. I'm not sure what game they were playing, but it looks like there was an egg under the cup.

    I grew up with three older sisters. Yeah, every now and then I got pranked like that, but I gave as good as I got. We're all in our sixties now and try to get together at least once a week. PS: I'll sometimes prank my granddaughters like that. They too give as good as they get.


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