
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Tennessee Nurse Who Fainted After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine Says It Was Due to Underlying Condition

The nurse who appeared to faint after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in a viral video has recovered, according to a statement issued by her employer. Tiffany Dover, a nurse at CHI Memorial Hospital, reportedly came close to passing out due to a medical condition unrelated to the vaccination.


  1. Yeah, it was called "health", but don't worry, it'll go away now.

  2. Well that's odd. About 99% of Covid-19 deaths are related to underlying conditions too! What a coincidence.

  3. Suuuuuuuure she did.
    The 'chans' said she died. It's not like the autists to miss something like that.

  4. ...and if you're fool enough to believe this "story", I've got this bridge...


  5. Word on the street is:
    She had been snorting crank in her right nostril and coke in her left for the last three days and had no sleep or food. Not that that had much, if anything, to do with her fainting.

  6. Hearing she died or at least her social media posting has ...


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