
Friday, December 18, 2020

Transgender activists call for ALL children to be put on puberty blockers

Transgender extremist activists are calling for all children to be put on puberty blockers because “If children can't consent to puberty blockers which pause any permanent changes even with the relevant professional evaluation, how can they consent to the permanent and irreversible changes that come with their own puberty with no professional evaluation whatsoever?"


  1. This is what you get when you let the mentally ill climb onto the soapbox instead of locking them away in the loony bin. - Dano

  2. These idiots should be decorating lamp posts before they get a chance to screw up anyone else.
    “Children can’t consent” because they’re fucking CHILDREN!
    Consent is supposed to come from parents - not some foolish dumbass that thinks everyone needs to change genders.

  3. I'd kill me a thousand of those freaks before I'd ever let that happen to my kid.

  4. Zinia the demon, hahaha more like zinia the retarded.

  5. Maybe the Muslims are right...

    1. Been thinkin that a lot myself these last few years.

    2. Mark Steyn pointed that out about 20 years ago, noting that as the Left got loonier and loonier, and the Christian churches either went along or did nothing, that lots of people were going to start noticing that Islam stands against all of the loony bullshit. (And replaces it with it's own loony stuff, but that's a different argument.)

  6. Be much simpler to just eliminate "transgender activists"(whatever the hell those are) woodenit?

  7. Toerags like that need a dose of 9mm activity blockers.

  8. It's a CHILD not YOUR CHOICE.

    Expect more of this unrelenting bullshit for the next four years.

  9. Buzz off snotflake; they're not your kids.

  10. The guy is mentally ill. Since he refuses to get treatment for it, he should be subject to ridicule.

  11. Ammosexuals call for all Transgenderists to receive their plumbum/cupric injections.

    There. Fixed it for you.

  12. We are all what millions of years of evolution and dna coding has made us.
    Deluded malcontents have no right or valid reason to force their own beliefs onto others, especially those not in a position to argue, such as children.
    The real question is why are these trans zealots so intent on shaping 'normal' people into their own image.
    Flip the situation - imagine the response if 'normal' people demanded transgenders had to be made 'normal' by drugs/surgery etc. Oh the outrage...
    Anyway, you can always 'identify' as something later on. The latest loony fad.

    1. WHY don't we do that? Demand all commies, queers, musloids, satanists, druggies conform to OUR standards or face the death squad? Easy peasy

  13. The mentally ill from the fagot freakshow should not be telling anyone how to run their life.

  14. Hey and they think they are normal and we are nuts? Anybody that supports these assholes has a serious fuckin problem.

  15. Are these perverts asking to be turned into Roman candles?


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