
Friday, December 11, 2020

Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases

Justin Trudeau invited China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to send its troops for cold weather training at CFB Petawawa in Ontario — and Trudeau raged at the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for cancelling the training after China kidnapped Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig. 

This is only one of many bombshell revelations in The China Files, a 34-page access to information document released by the Trudeau government to Rebel News, seen below.
-Exile 1981


  1. This Trudeau dude is to Canada as having DeBlasio in the White House would be to the US.

    WTF is this guy thinking?

    1. He's taken millions in chinese donations through his foundation. He's as corrupt as Hillary, as compromised as Biden and as dumb as AOC.


    2. He doesn't do a lot of thinking. Although he did attend 5 universities and left the last one at the age of 35 to try politics. He has one degree and likes Castro like his daddy.

    3. It is said that Castro might actually be his daddy. Apparently his mom had quite the crush on Fidel. There are a number of places to see comparative pictures, Fidel and Trudeau at similar ages. Kind of makes you go hmmmm...

  2. Trudeau is a died in the wool commie just like his Dad and commie's are gonna commie just like black folks are gonna black.


  3. Actually Canadians don't mind having lots of ChiComs here. The leftist Canadians, like Truedoo, admire their basic dictatorship.The western Canadians are hoping it will alarm you Americans enough you will invade and hang prime sinister twinkletoes and his commie buddies.

    1. We've got our own problems at the moment. They will have to take out their own trash.
      Matt in KY.

    2. ChiComs are the reason British Columbia has so many serious problems ranging from gangs to Government-level money laundering for China.
      Here in the West, it would please us to no end if after Trump is sworn in again in 2021 he annexes Western Canada and we can let the Libs in the east freeze to death (with any luck, they can convert Justin Castro to home heating fuel.)
      Once Western Canada joins the United States, unquestionably this new and immensely larger country will be unstoppable with all the added resources and Conservative voters.
      Just push the BC coastline into the ocean. We all would like some fresh ocean front property!

    3. Where's John Candy and Bill Murray when you need them?!

  4. What else would you expect from the son of Fidel Castro and Margaret Trudeau?
    This is where the concept of orlog is relevant.

    "Orlog [...] is a fundamental concept in Norse practices. [... Part of] people's souls consisted of a part inherited by their parents and ancestors (which would be passed down through heritage) and a part that was influenced and created through the persons own actions throughout one's lifetime. This is different from the concept of karma, in that there isn't necessarily the idea of "good and bad"
    Part of orlog is inherited- it is believed to have been passed down through your ancestors. The majority of this part would come from your parents, a lesser amount from your grandparents, [...] and so on all the way through your heritage.[ ...] part of our orlog is not up to our making: it has already been made and is given to us. But we are still responsible for the actions we take in responding to them."

    Fidel's bastard is failing of his test.

  5. Trudeau is a committed commie. He will happily sell off all of Canada to the CCP....and do it for peanuts. We should invade and liberate Canada....the problem is we need to invade Mordor On The Potomac first and liberate the USA.

  6. A few comments beat around the bush here... anyone noticed that border we share with Canada? Real big? And you think the border with Mexico is "porous?" And why would Chicom need "cold weather training" anyway? Oh, because [inland] Washington State, ID, MT, and ND are VERY COLD places in the winter? Like Winter 2021-22?
    -Just A Chemist.

    1. It's not why they need cold-weather training (they do, it gets pretty damned cold in Xinjiang and Tibet where lots of people who don't like the Han, and might need to be put down, live). The point is why they need to train right next to the US. China's got lots of cold places, like Heilongjiang Province up on the Russian border.

    2. That's the same thing I told Exile.

  7. That smarmy cunt has one foot in the grave.

    Chutes Magoo

  8. My friend's last tour with the Marine Embassy Security Detail was in Ottawa.
    He said his Canadian security counterparts were openly contemptuous of Trudeau.
    General consensuses of opinion of "Little T.": an IQ below 100; Never had a thought that didn't originate from Marxist dogma; great deal of doubt as to who fathered his wife's children.

  9. They need to go to Canada for cold-weather training! They don’t have any cold weather places in China! Except for the Himalayan mountains!


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