
Friday, January 15, 2021

And the Left is guilty as hell here

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – A clinical psychologist and professor at the University of Central Oklahoma said specific language used in the United States’ current political climate could contribute to the turmoil we’re seeing across the country. 

“I think that words are extremely powerful,” Caleb Lack said. 


  1. From the link -
    “If we never pause and say, ‘Why am I doing what it is that I’m doing?’ or ‘What factors have led me to feel this particular way?”

    Yes, words matter.
    When some pajama boy cork sucking, sword swallower says, “All these conservatives are racist nazis” - you should take note that they HATE YOU and want you in prison or dead.

  2. So? Tell the commies to stop all their lies, distortions, false charges and threats.

  3. While we Conservatives opine and look to "build bridges" the left grinds on with one goal in mind: "Destroy". That my friends portends this current cultural conflict will not end well.

    1. The Left seems pretty confident that it will end very, very well for them.

  4. Our intrepid doctor remarks that he has seen bad speech on both sides. Yet, he has kept his frigging mouth shut for the past 4 years as true conservatives have been threatened and vilified in the most egregious terms. Screw him and the horse he rode in on.

    The only thing I hate more than a sanctimonious POS is a lying, hypocritical, sanctimonious POS.

  5. Fuck him, I can be introspective all on my own, and I came to the conclusion that I rock!


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