
Monday, January 11, 2021

Commentary: President Trump’s Tenure Didn’t Have to End This Way

In the end, almost everyone got what they deserved. 

The president’s Achilles’ heel—relying on the wrong people to advance his political interests—led to his final ouster this week. Donald Trump ran out of runway and instead of preparing for a soft landing, he pumped the gas. It’s hard to blame him: His court challenges had been thwarted by the very judges he elevated to the federal bench, his hodgepodge legal team whirred in defeat, and Republican senators he helped elect quickly turned on him.


  1. He had the evidence, the law, the voters, and the constitution on his side. But in the end, it didn't matter because democrats have known all along that governments are just people and people are corrupt. Trump, being an honest man, was unprepared for this lever of corruption.


  2. Trump was awesome, but he will be known for a blind spot when it comes to choosing lawyers and AGs.

    1. And for his real weakness....not knowing when to STFU....even his backers got tired of are correct, though....

  3. Ken, when even the Germans think you’ve gone to far, maybe it’s time to stop and re-evaluate:

    1. To be fair, given their past history, the Germans may be shocked because Twitter didn't go far enough.

  4. Whether you like Trump or not he should have opened everyone's eyes to how completely corrupt our government is and there isn't two party's in Washington just one the uniparty who only answer to the people who have bought them off.

    1. "Socialist party A" and "Socialist Party B"

      One wants to take the country over a cliff and the other is willing to ride down in a glider.

    2. You are wrong on both counts. But it's ok because Trump will be around for another four years. Biden and all the dem elected critters and judges will be going to jail or a firing squad.

    3. "One wants to take the country over a cliff and the other is willing to ride down in a glider."

      Always thought that the debate between the Dems and Pubs was whether or not we should fly into the mountain on afterburner, or merely at Full Military Power.

  5. Sure seems every punk ass thst trump appointed to a job, screwed him.
    They ended up being “Believers, “ of the swamp.

    Too bad.

    He’d have been better served just grabbing people off the street.

    He is a Bad judge of Character.

    1. Compared to civilian life where you just say "You're fired, go clean out your desk" and phone down to HR for a replacement, and having to run all your employment choices by a Senate which only grudgingly approves your choices, I'm surprised he got anything done.

    2. He should have followed Harry Truman's advice and bought a dog. Then he would at least have had one friend in DC.

  6. There will be a whole lot of articles like this now, being churned out to instruct us on how to remember the Trump presidency. Nearly all of them are going to present the Trump years in the worst possible light, and they'll try really hard to get it right. It was awful! Terrible! Miserable! You should never want to hear about him again, it was so awful!

    In other words, they're going to present Trump like they've been presenting him during the past five years. Whether you believe it or not is your business. He's a threat to their existence, and the fact that they are still using the levers of Government to try to damage him, says it all. This is Your Government

    1. Trump isn't leaving. This past election was to elect a President of the USA, INC. That corporation ended just months ago. Right this minute America has no legitimate government. Trump is fighting the communist deep state and what globalists are still left. By this March there will be a new election for President and Congress and Senate all from mostly new people. Trump will be the only one running for President. If you remember or were paying attention, before Nov 3rd, Trump stated he would be the last President of the USA. That was code that the USA (INC) was gone.
      If Biden would be allowed to actually take office this country would be renamed CHINA Two or something like that. And we would all be slaves to the Communist Chinese who tried to put Biden in power. All of you who spew your opinion about Trump and the future, you should really spend some time learning what the fuck is really happening.

    2. The winners get to write the history, and there's a reason that D.C. is considered to be the District of Criminals by many.

  7. They didn’t just turn on him, they have turned on all of us that believe in America 🇺🇸

    1. Quoting a comment by CoffeeJoe over at

      "Especially now that Republicans are not in charge of squat. I even have my doubts about the Supreme Court.

      If heads were going to roll, Hillary would be in jail, Hunter would be in jail, half the FBI and CIA leadership would be in jail…..nothing is going to happen.

      I am beyond jaded at this point. My vote does not count, my opinion is censored, my rights are being whittled away at. When is the last time the government actually gave back a right it took from us?

      I am done."

      Pretty much sums it up for me.

    2. Aesop on the same thread is disillusioned as well, but sums it up perfectly:

      "The minute the GOP is out of power, and has zero chance of effecting anything like change, they’re the toughest-talking SOBs on the planet.

      The minute they get to a position where they can actually do ANY of what they promised, they cuck so hard they make transvestite gradeschoolers look butch.

      Nunes is speaking fluent assgas, like all of them.
      Well, at least the 99% RINOs who give the other 1% a bad name."

    3. "My vote does not count, my opinion is censored, my rights are being whittled away at."

      The dirty little secret? Peasant votes haven't counted in decades; peasant opinions were never considered, there's just a way to actively shut us up, now; and rights were being taken away as soon as the ink was dry on Ye Olde Parchment.

      It's just obvious to everyone now.

  8. Unfortunately, voter memories are short. However, I hope Mitch and his brethren get kicked to the curb during the next voting cycle. I think we all have had enough of the Republican paper tiger bullshit. We are long over due for an extremely strong third party that supplants the Republican party.

    1. Mitch and somewhere between 70% to 80% of all of congress, house and senate will be arrested. Many will be found guilty of treason and executed. Before long every person in America who is a communist will be rounded up and given one chance to "re-educate" or be tried for treason. The cancer has to be cut out of the body politic. Maybe what we need is four or five parties.

  9. Maybe the President should have made the walk up to the Capitol and kept control of his followers. Capitol Police seem to have been compromised in some way-their lack of preparation and on-the-ground performance is evident. DC government is corrupt from top to bottom-the Mayor could have expended the resources to make sure things stayed in control; her DC Metro Police seem now to be in full CYA mode, as do the Capitol Police union bosses. Now comes word that the fbi was making contact with radicals before the march-were they giving the anarchists 'get-out-of-jail' cards? The writer is correct in castigating the spineless Republicans who went soft and now blame anyone but themselves. Their party likely will never recover. I am done holding my nose while voting for those airbags. Vote 3rd party or don't even bother to vote.

  10. FWIW, this Canadian is still quite confident that DJT will serve two consecutive terms as President. The next week is going to be the most momentous week in the last 500 years.

    1. From your lips to God's ears. I keep hearing rumblings that this isn't even close to being over; it's being kept relatively quiet in order for the Deep State bad actors to set themselves up for a big fall. I dearly hope this is for real, so I'll keep watching (and my powder dry--for either outcome).

  11. Trump had a lot of successes in office but his biggest failure was in underestimating just how deep, pervasive and powerful the swamp is. Add in the ugly reality that the 'conservative right' are still idiotically "playing by the rules" while the commie left has only one rule....WIN! and the results were always predictable. When one side obeys the laws and rules and the other side HAS NO RULES guess which side will ALWAYS WIN.

    1. Add in the fact that the Conservative side only has a few arrows in the quiver, and they are labeled: Surrender, Collaborate, Dither, and Whine.

  12. He was barely able to get the top man in each of the cabinet positions and almost none of them had the benefit of Trump appointed Assistant and Deputy Assistants since they never got vetted or named, nominated or approved by the Senate. He had his 'men' in at the top but they were virtually alone and it showed. He also utterly failed to clean out the FBI in DC and the DOJ where he needed to sweep them all out of their offices and send them to places like Adak.

    1. Hubby spent 2 years on Adak serving with the Navy in the late 60s. Experienced numerous earthquakes & tremors, radical below zero temps, goonie birds, days with much more darkness than light. As I recall, Adak is like 50 miles from Russia. So, yes . . . the leftists currently "in charge" of the country would feel right at home!

  13. The only person responsible for Trump's downfall is himself.
    This is what happens when a narcissistic sociopath doesn't get his own way.

    1. Spoken like a true ostrich with his head in the sand.

  14. Lost in all this = DT proved a businessman can run our nation right, make GOOD trade deals (not sell our nation and jobs off) - lower unemployment and do it all within a few years - he proved America can be great again.

    The left had to vilify him.

    Here - this is what DT and his administration needed to be sharing... because it is the economy stupid (without question the election was stolen - but with the crazy tweets and lawyers all going in different directions...)


    "Census Bureau reported real median household income grew to $68,703 in 2019, an impressive 6.8% increase over 2018. It was the largest one-year increase in median income on record going back to 1967. It was also 45 percent more growth in a single year ($4,379) than Obama/Biden produced in their entire 8 years in office ($3,021).

    Throughout Trump’s first three years, the economic benefits were widespread. While the overall growth rate was 6.8%, real median income grew by an even greater 7.9% for Black Americans, 7.1% for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6% for Asian Americans. All record high income levels for each of these groups.

    Trump’s tax cuts: As incomes grew in 2019, the poverty rate plummeted 1.3 percentage points to a 60 year low of 10.5%. This was the largest reduction in poverty in over 50 years.

    It lifted over 4.1 million people out of poverty, the largest yearly decrease since 1966.

    In the Obama/Biden era, the number of people living in poverty increased by 787,000.

    During just 3 years of Trump policies - minority groups experienced the largest improvements. While the overall poverty rate declined 1.3 percentage points, Black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points, Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8, and Asian poverty fell by 2.8. According to the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) “the poverty rate fell to an all-time record low for every race and ethnic group in 2019.”

    Child poverty decreased to 14.4 percent, the lowest child poverty rate observed since 1973 and down from 18 percent at the end of the Obama/Biden era.

    The best family welfare program truly is - a job."

  15. you dumbass ignorant motherfuckers.... your vote didn't count this time. Do you think its going to matter next time?!??! Dumbfucks.

    THATSthe whole point.
    THATS why people are pissed.

    Trump didn't just lose this election, We The People just lost all future elections.

  16. I don't make apologies for politicians.

    Instead of pointing this country in the right direction, he let it go dark. I do think if Biden is allowed The White House, we will Balkanize in some form and within a short amount of time. In effect, The United States will be destroyed without ever a shot being fired.

    That's what Mr. Trump could have prevented.

  17. The socialist/fascist takeover has advanced more than anyone thought capable....can anything stop it now?...

  18. Sadly consider that perhaps we have all been duped. Even by trump. Perhaps this was all a grand farce. What if that snake story he loved to tell was about himself? That troubled me from the start. Many other things troubled me. He had all the power he needed to have many of the criminals arrested but he didn't act. We have to ask why? And that last stimulus package the people get $600 and other countries get billions and he signed it. So I wonder how much of that money comes back to him and all the other actors in this movie. It took them eight months to get $600 to the people and will take them 2 days to impeach him. I'm guessing the next ACT, which actually has already started, is to have more and more false flags to blame on Patriots and get the people so riled up it gives them excuses to go after the guns. Anyone who has studied history knows what usually comes after that. It's really starting to look like they're all on the same team and have been for a long time and they played their parts to perfection, including Trump. For more convincing evidence about this theory check out the sons of liberty on YouTube or at One thing is for sure... This last four years has really taught me how to think for myself. For that I am thankful!


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