
Monday, January 11, 2021

Worst Handgun Adopted by US Military in the 20th Century?

 The US military has adopted several different autoloading pistols in the 20th century, some more prominent than others. In this video I choose what I think was the worst handgun purchase the US military made in the 20th century and explain why. This does not include special/one-off firearms procured by individual USSOCOM members or units, or other special operations groups.

VIDEO HERE  (16:22 minutes)


  1. I've got an HK Model 23. He's right. It's bulky, heavy, and has a terrible trigger pull.

    Yes, it's exceptionally well engineered and completely reliable. You can miss targets all day long with this thing and it will never fail to feed.

    Paid a bunch for it. It was a mistake.

  2. HK's company motto ought to be:

    "H und K, because you suck, and we hate you. Now give us half your income."

    Anything with 'HK' stamped on it is *stupidly* overpriced. I have a MP5 clone that I converted to a SBR, and I swear to God I spent more for the Surefire fore end and the A3 collapsing stock than I did for the freaking gun.

    1. This is what I fondly think of when people remind me of H&K's arrogance:

  3. The only experience I with was years ago with a friends P-7 the point of which I did not get. I seem to remember that it had a magazine ejector spring and a weird grip safety both of which were solutions looking for a problem. I also seem to remember that you could hold down the trigger and squeeze the grip safety to fire it but I can't remember why you would do that.

  4. During the 1970s, I had the bright idea to standardize our group with VP70z pistols.

    The ultimate in simplicity with four parts, they had a both-trigger-fingers DAO trigger-pull of around twenty pounds.
    Part-way through the 18-round magazine, my hands trembled so bad, my arm-length groups opened from about a foot to a yard-and-a-half.

    I may be exaggerating, but only a little...

    1. The VP-70: "It's H&K! What a wonderful design and well-produced!"
      Hi Points which are exactly the same thing: "What a cheap POS!"

  5. I always liked my 92FS. I bought it when I was a youngster (close to 30 years ago), and it always shot well. I can't argue with any of his points though.


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