
Friday, January 01, 2021

Cop beats K-9 with his fists, Police Chief defends the cop

VACAVILLE, Calif. — Vacaville police say they are investigating after an officer was caught on camera punching his K-9 partner. 

Roberto Palomino says he pulled out his phone after hearing a dog in distress Monday in the area of Vaca Valley Parkway and Eubanks Court.


What a crock of shit. If the dog is unsuitable for that kind of job, replace him with a dog that is.


  1. First check the human cop for steroids, then give that asshat a good couple of face punches. If the dog is that uncontrollable, both should be put down.

  2. Sometimes a meathead dog...most of the time it's a dumbass handler. Give the dog a good home...put the handler on parking detail.

  3. "If the dog is unsuitable for that kind of job, replace him with a dog that is."

    They're probably listed as union members and *can't* be fired.

  4. California

    Penal Code 600

    (a) Any person who willfully and maliciously and with no legal justification strikes beats, kicks, cuts, stabs, shoots with a firearm, administers any poison or other harmful or stupefying substance to, or throws, hurls, or projects at, or places any rock, object, or other substance which is used in a manner as to be capable of producing injury and likely to produce injury, on or in the path of, any horse being used by, or any dog.........

    The question then is the human using a legal justification by pinning the dog and striking it in the face. Is the handler taught this technique in any formal setting and is it in compliance with Department procedures and/or state guidelines. Time for the lawyers on this one.

  5. A fearful dog will never make a good K-9.

  6. As long as he made it home safely Ha!Ha!Ha!

  7. No such thing as a bad dog, except for those created by humans.
    Or what too often passes for human.
    This pig needs butchering-someone that will abuse an animal doesn't deserve to draw breath.

  8. Wouldn't that be assault on an officer?

    Asking for a friend.

  9. Neuter them both.

  10. I have trained dogs. I never struck a dog like this guy did.


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