
Friday, January 01, 2021

The most Alaska stories of 2020

In a year when the coronavirus pandemic upended life around the world, at least one thing stayed constant: There was no shortage of news about uniquely Alaska happenings. Take a look at life in the Last Frontier with a subjective list of some of our “most Alaska” stories of 2020. 


  1. Aww damn.
    I clicked on the link, but the extreme Leftwing ADN will not allow me to read the story unless I get out my credit card and pay them for an online subscription.
    Too bad, I was looking forward to reading it. I appreciate the effort, Kenny, but I will not allow those Commie cocksuckers at that paper to have access to my CC.
    I would much rather give my money to people like you, and will be dropping something in the mail to you in appreciation for all you do, and to start the new year off right.

    Happy New Year to you and Miss Lisa.
    Like everyone else I hope (but do not have high hopes) that it is better than 2020

    Tim in AK

    1. Tim, They might have your IP address as local maybe and want you to subscribe. I was able to open it with no problem with safari. Good read

    2. Yes, I don't doubt that you were allowed in.
      They allow something like 4? story reads, and then after that they block you until you get out your CC.
      Given their extreme Leftwing bias, I will absolutely not give them access to my CC.

      I only buy an actual paper version of their rag once or twice a year to use to wash windows, because newspaper gives one a sparkling clean glass without smears or that sheen that shows up with low angle light.

      Tim in AK

    3. Using Brave I never have an issue with them.

    4. It's my bad for not being clearer about why I can't read the story.
      Living in AK, I have apparently used up however many free reads you're allowed by them (it's not many) and now they won't let me read beyond the headlines without paying.
      Everyone else here at Kenny's site, not being ADN readers, can access this story because they haven't used up their free clicks.

      Tim in AK

  2. Clicked on it and it let me read it. The only really weird story is that unexplained noise they are hearing in Anchorage but I'm betting that has something to do with glacial movement. Exit glacier isn't that far away.

    One time I was way up in the Alaska boondocks on a fishing trip with some guys from Georgia and we went to a little diner outside of which was parked a brand new Isuzu Trooper with Ga tags. We asked whose it was and the cook sort of reluctantly admitted it was his and then told some tale about how he normally went back to the lower 48 for the winter but had decided he was going to stay in Alaska this year. I suspect that somewhere back in Georgia there was a repo man beating the bushes looking for that Trooper. I think that one got away.

    1. Mikey, Exit Glacier is three hours away from Anchorage. The noise isn't a glacier, definitely not Exit. Glad you visited Alaska, hope you had a great time! If there's a diner, it isn't the boondocks here. The definitions are different.


  3. Typical ADN. I was able to get in tho. I live in North Pole; Santa lives not too far from me. Happy New Year to you & yours! Thanks for keeping my sanity going.


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