
Monday, January 04, 2021

Even more tips for the DC Rally on 1/6

Moments ago President Trump and Dan Scavino confirmed the specific location in DC with a video from TrumpMarch.Com – The January 6th rally in Washington DC is shaping up to be the largest ever assembly in Washington DC history. Millions are inbound. From what can be ascertained from social media and grassroots communication to CTH, the scale is growing exponentially now; and with it some warnings and insider tips. 


  1. d.c. mayor closed all hotels, restaurants, gas stations etc for the 4th thru 6th. go with god patriots.

    1. I'll bet the locals just loving that shit.

    2. No she didn’t. I wouldn’t put it past her but as of yet I only know of the Hotel Harrington closing. But definitely plan for her to do so.

    3. Moose out front says you're closed...I say you're open.
      - Clark W. Griswold

  2. Can't go, but I'll show support locally.

  3. I live in West Michigan, on the shores of Lake Michigan. There is a bus or two going from here to D.C. They are charging 170$ per head, I heard, for the ride. Capitalism is still alive and well, Trump or Biden, it doesn't matter.
    I wouldn't be caught within 100 miles of that bomb waiting for the fuse to be lit, for any amount of money.


  4. Hell of a time to have one of those missing suitcase nukes go off.

  5. Ol' Remus said it best: "Stay away from crowds"

  6. Can't go. Anybody going, yell a "Keep America Great!" for me. Thanks.


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