
Monday, January 04, 2021

It's a sad, sad day here

I just got a call from my uncle letting me know my favorite cousin died a little bit ago.

He's been suffering with cancer for a few months now and I got an email from his sister last month that it had spread to his liver and bones, so the news wasn't unexpected, but that fucking call still hit me like a punch in the guts.

Skip was a fighter and that's the reason he was my favorite. It seemed like every time Life wanted to fuck somebody, Skip was on the receiving end. Life would knock him down and Skip would get back up smiling.

When he was just a baby when his daddy was stationed at Ft Campbell, he caught a fever and by the time they got him to the hospital, the damage was done. He wasn't retarded, just real slow.
He had health problems after health problems. When he was a teen, he was in constant pain. Turns out he was afflicted with tumors that wrapped around his nerves. At one point, he enlisted in the navy but was discharged within a month because he neglected to inform the doctors that he had those tumors.

He tried to led a normal life, he really did. He married and moved to Silver City Nevada for a while but it turns out his wife wasn't much of a wife. He divorced and moved back to California. Shortly after that, he began having seizures. Once that happened, the doctors notified DMV and his driver's license was pulled.
The seizures were bad enough that he ended moving back in with his dad, and there he lived with his new wife Sonja until he passed away with her at his side.

The kid was a hard worker. His passion was ranch work, loved working with horses and cattle, and he'd work my ass into the ground when we worked together. Actually, anything he did, he put 110% into it. It wasn't that he felt like he had anything to prove, that's just the way he was.

I remember one time about 30-40 years ago we were smoking a joint and I asked him if he ever felt bitter about the hand that Life dealt him, and he just smiled and said No, there wasn't a fucking thing he could do about it, so why trip?
I wish I had that boy's attitude.

Here's a picture of me and him at the little get-together Mom threw for us the night before we moved out here:


  1. So sorry for your loss. RIP, Skip...

  2. Sounds like Skip was a great guy to have in one's life.
    Have known very few of those.

    Very sad.

  3. Sorry for your loss, Kenny
    He has a "loving life" grin in that pic, just as you described him.
    The world needs more like him, people who do their best and don't complain.

    I wish I could say that I've never complained about some of the pain I myself have had to endure, but your cousin was a better man than me.

    Tim in AK

  4. Very sorry to hear that Kenny, sounds like he was an exceptional person.

  5. Sorry for your loss, very difficult I'm certain. At least he had the love of family, and the coolest cousin a guy can find.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My cousin, who was a character out of a movie, outgoing gregarious and just fun to be with died when he was 19. I was only 15 at the time. I was the youngest of our extended family and he always took time out for me. My Aunt and Uncle gave me his car, a fire engine red '71 Merc Cougar XR7 Convertible. 351 4BRL, 4 speed with 3.33 posi. The engine was big time tweaked and it would smoke anything built in the 80's including Corvettes. Good Times! Always kinda depressed when driving it but through the car I'll always remember him. Bless You and Yours!

  7. I'm going to print this story and keep it prominently displayed in my place. Everytime I complain or feel sorry for myself about the minor issue in my life, I'm going to look at this picture of your smiling relative, read his story and tell myself to MAN UP and try and emulate the man Skip was.

  8. God bless him and protect him. I'm sorry for your loss.

  9. Ken, I'm sorry for your loss. Cousins are cool people. Cancer is a nasty disease that should be eradicated. I know because I lost my precious 7 year old son to it in 1981. I'm 76 now and still haven't gotten over it. I'm a big fan of your site.
    Richard, Southern California

  10. Sorry for your loss Kenny. No matter how ready we are for it, news like that is always a gut punch.

  11. Sorry to hear this news, Kenny and may your Cus R.I.P. I guarantee you, he's not feeling any pain now, and he has a chance for a "do-over", just in a different dimension. Because we never die, we just evolve.

  12. Sympathies from AZ. We need to cherish the special ones in our life, they are few and far between.

  13. Please accept my condolences for the loss of your cousin. RIP Skip

  14. So sorry for your loss. GOD spared him from having to see our first prostitute president.

  15. Condolences. Sounds like a good guy with an undefeatable attitude. I just got word this morning that a friend and former co-worker died. He retired in September 2019 and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer weeks later. Seems really unfair but I know life's not fair.
    It's got me thinking about pulling the trigger on retirement. 2021 seems to be off to a really sucky start but hopefully we can all keep our heads up.

  16. Sorry for your loss

  17. Sorry to hear of your loss, Ken.

    2020 was a fucked up year!

  18. I hope he knew the Green Bay Packers are going to the playoffs as the number one seed.

  19. Sorry for your loss never quite makes it, but he's no longer in pain. RIP to yer cuzzin

  20. Ken, my heart goes out to you. Having a cousin like Skip has made your life better. Keep that in your thoughts for the rest of your life. I wish I could have met him and had a conversation with him about animals. That would have been fun and enlightening. Your memories of Skip will last a lifetime; in that way you are very lucky. I bet Ol' Skip making people laugh and having fun in Heaven.

  21. Hugs, Kenny. My condolences, sounds like he was a wonderful person.

  22. It hurts, but Skip is whole again with the maker.
    We love you Kenny. Best to all the family.
    -Jon in NY

  23. To be grateful in the face of pain and loss, is the real test.

    You can be grateful, and you can be unhappy, but they rarely mix.

    Bitterness, is just vanity. We feel singled out by God for punishment. Christ on the Cross, Job in the Whirlwind, and, us.

    The reality is- life's life. We all suffer. No one is singled out. But it does feel that way, at times.

    The trick is- how do you take it, when your time comes to be tested?

    He sounds like he was a great man, Kenny.

    He knew how to take it.

  24. Lo, There do I see my Father
    Lo, There do I see my Mother and
    My Brothers and my Sisters
    Lo, There do I see the line of my people back to the beginning
    Lo, They do call to me
    They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla
    Where thine enemies have been vanquished
    Where the brave shall live Forever
    Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death.

  25. Good people. Hard to take losing them and seeing them have to deal with so much. Had a little brother like that.

  26. Sorry for your loss, Ken. Think about him being in a better place and no longer in pain.


  27. Some have sweet lives and some get kicked in the balls everyday before they get out of bed. The great ones are like your cousin who just smile through it. They make everyone's life a little tastier. Tip of the hat to you for conveying what a great man your cousin is. And I do mean is. he may not be here now but you will see him smile again

  28. Please accept my sincere condolences on the grievous loss your family has suffered. My heart goes out to you and your family. May he rest in peace.

  29. Prayers and know that he's no longer in pain.

  30. Sorry for your loss Ken. good people are always few and very far between.


  31. Ah, Geez Kenny, sorry. RIP, and may he find plenty of sunshine where he's going.

  32. Sorry for your loss. The world is just a little bit shittier when guys like that go down. What a great attitude he had. Not like the pussies coming up now.

  33. I'm sorry to hear this sad news, Ken. My sincere condolences to the family.

  34. I'm truly sorry for your's and your family's loss.

  35. Ken,

    We all naturally gravitate to people like your cousin Skip. They are the best of people. It's natures way of making sure that those of us that we think are normal recognize those that really are. Sorry for your loss.

    Marty West

  36. Sorry for your loss. Even when expected it still leaves a hole.

  37. Condolences, Sir. regards, Skynet

  38. That sucks Kenny. I am glad for you that you had each other through the years. RIP Skip.

  39. Some cousins are like siblings; losing someone like that rends a hole in your soul. Skip sounds like he was a great guy so maybe after 2020 God needed him up there to raise spirits.

    RIP, Skip. And flights of angels guide Thee to thy rest.

  40. Prayers to you and your family. Sounds like he brought happiness with him where ever he was and spread it around.

  41. Prayers for you and your family Kenny, time does fly..

  42. Man, it’s been a hell of a year. Guys like your cousin Skip will be sorely missed. They help keep us grounded. I lost one like him last February. Sorry for your loss, man.

  43. Sorry to hear Ken. Prayers from VA.


  44. My deepest condolences. Like people have said, some cousins are more like dear brothers. He sounds like an inspiring man. Prayers to you and your family.

  45. Sorry for your loss, Ken.

  46. Sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers for you.

  47. Although it's inevitable, death blows. Sorry, brother, for the loss of someone so close to your heart.

  48. Sorry to hear of it, Ken. May you and yours soon find peace.

  49. He was loved; that photo proves it. And that's all that matters. You're a good guy, Kenny. Yinzer

  50. So sorry to hear the bad news, Ken. It always seems that shit things always happen to the best people. The fact that he didn't let it get him down, is testament to that. My prayers for your family; that they may find peace, knowing that he has found his.

    Be well.

    Whitehall, NY

  51. Ken, Everyone needs a person like Skip in their lives, to make their small complaints look like what they are, little tiny bumps in the road. I am sorry for your loss, but glad that you had someone as wonderful as Skip in your life.


  52. Damn Kenny, it's a hell of a way to start a new year. I'm so sorry and of course sending you my condolences for your loss and best wishes to you and your family.

  53. RIP Skip. Prayers to those left behind.

  54. Sorry to hear of your loss, Ken. Life ain't fair but it can be a damn sight better through those we surround ourselves with. Thumbs up to both of ya

    Now, whoever choppin' onions, knock it off.

  55. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your Skip with us. I never met him, but I'm with you on this...My attitude could use a whole lot more Skip, and a whole lot less whining. Lord help me to be thankful for the blessings I have and not sour and wishing I had someone else's life.
    WC, Thank you for sharing the wonderful guy that you knew with your extended family, you and the rest of the family are lifted up in our prayers.

    MSG Grumpy

  56. I'm sorry for you loss Ken..

  57. I feel sorry for myself that you left California, Kenny. Maybe you'd be relieved to have escaped so many hugs, but that's not as much of a consolation as it ought to be. As for Skip, I'm thinking he must absolutely have found at least as much joy as he did pain and that was what made him so resilient, and I'm going to try to look at it as your favorite cousin getting top marks in the cosmic entrance exam.

    And, again, thank you for letting me cry and laugh with you.

  58. One of the hardest things to deal with as we get older, is losing the people that we love and care about. Your cousin holds a place in your heart, he sounds like the kind of guy that would find the sunshine on a cloudy day. A quality we all could use more of. Sorry for your loss.

  59. Sorry for your loss.

  60. Sad to hear about your loss, WC. I've reached the age where the heroes of my life, men who taught me so much, and that I called friends, are beginning to pass. But losing family is the hardest.

  61. Sorry for your loss Kenny.

    I will say on the upside seems ya spent some good times with him and that he was a tough/standup SOB.

  62. So sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.


  63. Sometimes the Lord sees the suffering of one of His children and says, "Enough of that shit. I'm bringing you home."

  64. My condolences, Wirecutter. You're right: even when such news is not unexpected, it still hurts like a mother when someone close to you passes. Shed a few tears, then remember some of the funny stuff y'all did together. That will help with the pain - some.

  65. Sorry for your loss, Kenny. Skip sounds like he was a heck of a guy, a real blessing to those who knew him. The world needs more folks like that.

  66. I am so sorry . My bestus cousin Larry was a PHD in history . Did 11 or 12 years at Ohio State . Mensa Club member . Served in mil intel in Nam . He also was touched a little and had issues that always made normies wonder about him. Never had a full time job and spent every dollar he got on hunting supplies . Spent his last winter on earth up in a tree on my farm . I let the tree stand grow right into the old Black Walnut tree as a memorial for my best friend and cousin . I get chills when I go back in the woods past that stand . The year after his death I went back to visit it and there were 5 or 6 big deer standing around the tree staring up at the old stand . I'll bet they tell stories to all the young bucks about Larry the great hunter .

  67. Condolences.....but man!! LOOK AT THAT SMILE!! That one picture seems to sum up your description!!

  68. My sympathies, Kenny.
    As is my custom:


  69. Our condolences for your cousin Skip. It sounds like he had the right attitude in Life. Deal with it and forget feeling sorry for yourself because it doesn't change a thing. I hope you and your family are relieved his suffering is over and his real Life begins.

  70. I am so sorry for your loss, Ken. My condolences.

    You wrote a wonderful tribute to him.

  71. Naw, I'm not feeling sorry for myself. His immediate family, yes. Me, no. I learned a long time ago that life goes on.
    I am grateful that he was in my life, though.

  72. Sorry for your loss. And it is good that you have good memories of him and can talk about them.

    Oddly enough, my wife's mother died Sunday evening after a long decline. She was 100 years old and just up and stopped eating a couple of months ago. She was a joyous woman who lived a life of hardship when she was younger, but I never saw her in an off mood. In many ways, she treated me better than my own mother treated me. She had a good run. While it is sad news, it was not unexpected and the majority of the grief was worked out over the last half year or so as we saw her decline.

    Like your cousin, she will live on in the memories of those who she loved and who loved her.

    1. My sympathies to your wife. It's never easy to lose a parent.

  73. We aren't catching many breaks these days. He reminds me of a kid here in town. Same face, same work ethic and attitude. Reminds me to keep positive. My setbacks haven't been nearly that catastrophic.

    Take care man.

  74. So sorry on the loss of your cousin...

  75. Sorry for your loss.

  76. Sounds as though knowin' each other made both you and Skip better men.

    I R

  77. Sorry for your loss, Kenny. Last year was a bad one for cancer deaths, at least in my wider circle; we lost a very good man between Thanksgiving and Christmas, too. It hurts when the good ones go, especially for their immediate families, but we are so, so grateful to have had them in our lives.

  78. Kenny,
    So sorry for your loss.

  79. R.I.P. Skip, and condolences to your and your family.

    -ed in wa

  80. Aw, Ken, it's a hard blow to take, but he'll have a new body with no pain in heaven. Deep condolences to you and you family, my friend.
    Joan S in PA

  81. Sending sincere condolences Ken. Family that are also good people.....priceless. And missed beyond measure.


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