
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Just get it done already

The Tennessee Firearms Association (TFA) announced its support for what it called a “real” constitutional carry bill filed by State Representative Bruce Griffey (R-Paris) for the upcoming legislative session. 

Late last week, John Harris, executive director of TFA, “Tennessee’s only no-compromise gun organization,” sent an email to its members and released a podcast discussing Griffey’s HB0018. 


  1. Constitutional carry should be the law of the land. What the respective legislators, including Congress (for federal issues) should be doing is enacting sentence enhancement laws whereby a person convicted of a felony committed with a firearm gets an automatic 30 year enhancement to his sentence with no possibility of parole during the length of the enhanced period. People not legally able to possess firearms such as convicted felons and those adjudicated to be mentally incapable of safe firearm possession would still be denied the right to possess, and they could be prosecuted for unlawful possession.

    1. And then they turn all sorts of firearm ownership stuff into felonies....

      "Gun enhancements" and all other such nonsense are just inane, from a legal standpoint. On a more practical level, the all fail the Archie Bunker: "Would it make you feel better if they were pushed out of windows?" test.

  2. I've been urging my own TN representative to vote for this since it first appeared a year or two ago. They'd better hurry up and do something before the s#*t storm begins.

  3. I'm wondering what RINO bastard is going to kill it in committee THIS year. It seems the Tennessee legislature goes out of its way to keep controversial legislation off the Governor's desk, especially in election years.

    Fuck it. I don't care anymore. When my current permit runs out I'm not renewing it, but I am going to continue to carry where, when and how I see fit.


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