
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Just so you know



  1. now you tell me

    - glen filthie

  2. More proof, if it was needed that our culture and civilization are in steep decline: a sign telling people not to stick a item up into their rectal cavity.

    1. The sign is there because someone has done it.

  3. Let them figure it out themselves

    1. If they did not warn peopl;e they would get sued and lose

  4. The entire population of San Francisco would take that as a challenge.

  5. Sounds like this assessment is from personal experience. Otherwise, why would anyone even think that?

  6. Where are the ones that ARE for your butt?

  7. Didn't you once post one with a curling iron that had a "not for internal use" tag on it.
    Begging the question 'which one of you sick fuckers made that necessary?'

    1. My favorite "the sign is there because someone did it" is the sign in the hotel room that read "No cleaning fish in the room."

    2. No cleaning fish in the room.

      Well, duh. I always clean my fish in the hallway. Or the lobby iffn the light is poor in the hallway.

    3. I take it you've never been pheasant hunting?

  8. Replies
    1. I thought you were joking. I thought they were tent pegs or otherwise ground pegs for tie downs.
      But I realized that they were smaller than I thought and the ring is for a keychain.
      Those would certainly hurt jammed into the wrist or shoulder joint.

    2. So, Wirecutter, you are saying they *could* be inserted rectally? I mean, by someone else if they are sufficiently pissed off?
      -Just A Chemist

  9. Those things, just like “tactical” (machined aluminum or titanium) pens, will get “premeditation” tacked onto the list of charges if you use it to defend yourself. Just get yourself some stout over-the-counter regular pens.

    1. Just how exactly do you “premeditate” self defense? Your state laws are VERY different than mine or you don’t understand them.
      I can carry pepper spray, knife and a gun in my state. Self defense means just that, defense against attack - it’s by definition impossible to “premeditate” it.

    2. You're right that I shouldn't have said "charges". It's not a charge, but having any item for self defense will be spun as evidence of evil intent. Because everyone knows that:
      1. you don't need to defend yourself, just speak calmly and the "attacker" will be persuaded to not hurt you;
      2. you should call the police and they will protect you;
      3. the "attacker" is the real victim, because of pervasive institutionalized discrimination, and poverty, and your privilege.

      I'm not saying it makes sense. I'm saying that the douche prosecutor will say that the very fact you were carrying the object means that you were deliberately looking for a fight. Same with pepper spray, a knife, or a gun. It's bullshit, but it's how it will be spun against you. As to laws regarding self defense -- what makes you think the clear intent of the black-letter law matters any more? The legal system is not about facts and consistent and impartial application of law. The legal system is for retributive justice. Punish whitey, and reward all the Real Victims.


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