
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Time to walk the straight and narrow, Mike

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — A white man who deliberately sped his car through a crowd of racial injustice protesters in Iowa City, striking several, will avoid prison and have the incident erased from his record if he stays out of trouble for three years. 

A judge last month granted a deferred judgment for Michael Ray Stepanek, 45, who told police he drove his Toyota Camry through the crowd in August because the protesters needed “an attitude adjustment.”


  1. Why not,in Chicago and other big Dem controlled cities, they let murderers out on I-Bonds

  2. The whole staged by the left bullshit incident at the capitol wouldn't have happened if the democrats would've controlled antifa and blm starting 4 years ago....funny how it works, but if you shoot enough assholes, the other assholes will stop assholing around....

    1. The Dems weren't about to control Antifa and BLM; both were useful to the Dem agenda.

      Now that the Dems have achieved their goals, they think they can control these two organizations. I'm going to laugh at watching them try.

  3. So, what I'm wondering is if this dude was black, would Yahoo news disclose this in the first sentence, or at all?
    While I have your attention, why is it the word "white" being referred to as a race is never capitalized, but the word "black" as a race is almost always capitalized?
    Ain't that "rayciss"???

    1. That's from the official style guide of the Associated Press. Capitalize "Black" and leave "white" lower case. Because yes, they really ARE that petty.


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