
Monday, January 11, 2021

LAPD: White man seen in viral photos grabbing Black woman at pro-Trump protest was helping her escape

Police say no arrest will be made following an investigation into widely circulated photos showing a white man grabbing a Black woman from behind at a pro-Trump protest outside Los Angeles City Hall this week. 

The woman involved told investigators the man was actually acting as a good Samaritan, pulling her to safety, the L.A. Police Department said in a news release.


  1. The real lesson from this is that, if you’re white, and you see a protected minority in trouble, avert your eyes, and walk away. Pretend you didn’t see anything. Never get involved. THAT’s what our betters are teaching us subhuman cattle, whether they realize it or not.

    It’s not about race, not really. It’s about being of a protected class.

    1. It's about a protected race being used against a hated race.

    2. Nah, just send "thoughts and prayers"

    3. Nope. It is about HATE.
      Hate sells vote so we advertise it 7*24.

  2. Yeah, these days you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

  3. Does not matter to the crowd what he was doing: optics! Git 'im!

  4. A young black woman with her hands full dropped a piece of paper (turned out to be a checked luggage tag) in an airport last week. I mentioned to her as she passed she dropped something, I went over to pick it up for her. As I handed to over, she mumbled about making her late to her gate. I learned, no good deed goes unpunished. I agree with mike C, we are being taught to not get involved.

  5. This. Story. Is. Bullshit. My head hurt after reading it. Talk about shitty reporting. And with Jane Lynch involved, you know damn well it's a lie.

  6. They have already trained law enforcement to look away from crimes of color if they value their paychecks their pensions and their freedom.

  7. Didn't take Toyota long to pass judgement before they got all the facts-in spite what those facts may be.


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