
Monday, January 11, 2021

Rush Limbaugh: Dems Are "Quaking in their Boots”' That Trump Will Declassify EVERYTHING

There could be more to Nancy Pelosi's frantic rush to terminate the remainder of President Trump's historic term in office than meets the eye and the insanity of the last three days could be rooted in the need for self-preservation. 

Pelosi's demands for Vice President Mike Pence to use the 25th Amendment to oust Trump were rejected and the impeachment mob has saddled up to ride again with a rushed process that could be approved early next week.


  1. If Trump's gonna "pull the info trigger" how about 5:00 PM on January 19th.

    1. How about - Right Now.

      For the past year or so, all I've heard is "It's coming out", "Soon now", "He will release the Kracken!"


      Not gonna happen.

      Sit down and strap in. We're all in for a very bumpy ride.

  2. All of this is conspiracy clickbait, used by the grifting "normie Right" to keep themselves relevant in these, their last days. "Buckle up!" Hannity agrees.

  3. All I keep reading and hearing is, we have evidence, we have this and that, we have this computer with info and evidence, we stormed servers in Germany, multiple nations used dominion software to flip percentages of votes, blah blah blah.... Trump and whoever he can trust now have less than 9 days. If he’s holding back I don’t understand why. I figured the time to do it would have been before Jan 6. Am I missing something?

    1. You aren't missing anything. The bottom line is that Trump has shown himself to be handcuffed by those around him and he isn't the change agent that many hoped he would be. The swamp waters run deep and swift. He should have fired 3/4 of the people at the White House day 2 and replaced them with people from outside the bubble. When that didn't happen, we get more of the same, although with a different flavor.

  4. Entering the last minutes of an infomercial with the saying "But wait, there's more" and there isn't anything but higher shipping costs.

  5. There does seem to be a lot of panic. But I'm too old to hold my breath for long.

  6. Trump declassifies everything and we still wouldn’t hear jack for 10 years. The Fucking Bureau of Idiots had Hunter dirt for how long? They knew “Russia” was bullshit from day one.
    It doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with “national security”, they classify what would be embarrassing to them.

  7. The presence of Soviet infantry flying the Red Banner over the Reichstag just shows how scared they are of us!
    - German newspapers, 5/1/45

  8. "Declassify" is one thing, "distribute" is another. Various department heads know all they have to do is foot-drag for another week, then it's back to business-as-usual.

    And Anonymous and RDB, if President Trump had all these Shock-and-Awe surprises, he'd never have been able to keep the lid on on thing this long; his not-loyal staffers would have leaked the information to Nancy and Chuck a long time ago.

    Face it. There's no Cavalry riding to our rescue. We're on our own.

  9. How many games have been won in the last 0:01?

  10. President Trump thought he would have to fight gators in draining the swamp.
    Turns out it was Mama Godzilla with 400 children.

  11. Trump can order the release of ALL MANNER of evidence and information. The problem for Trump...and for us is that the swamp animals tasked with following those orders will quite
    simply IGNORE THEM. And in a week or so when Basement Biden is in power he will likely
    sign one Executive Order that will rescind ALL of Trump's Executive Orders. And thus the
    problem goes away. All the swamp must do now is simply IGNORE the President for another eight days. The unspoken reality is that for being the "most powerful man on earth" the President of the USA is almost POWERLESS if those being paid to work for him REFUSE TO OBEY HIS ORDERS. And for eight years while the SCOAMF infested the White House is puppet master Iranian born Valerie Jarrett worked night and day to remove ANYONE from ANY permanent job in the administration that wasn't TOTALLY LOYAL to the commie left. When Trump took office he was doomed from day one because EVERY person tasked with serving him was his and our enemy.

  12. Well, we’re waiting!

    Sorry to say we’re all Benghazi now.


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