
Monday, January 11, 2021

Of course he will

WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike Pence will attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, according to a source familiar with the plans. 

CNN previously reported that Pence was planning to attend the inauguration, but he was waiting on an invitation.


  1. 9th Circle of Hell awaits him and most of DC.

    I hear it gets hot down there.

  2. What would be a good catch phrase for f***ing over a person...getting penced?

  3. Of course. A Deep State member is required to attend the investiture.

  4. I'd heard it was going to be a virtual event. Virtually every crook in Washington will attend.

  5. He should stay away from high water, what with those 30 pieces weighing him down.

  6. Pence and Roberts will lick Joe's balls as a sign of obedience.

  7. I heard the US Marshall's office will be delivering the invitations

  8. All part of the plan. The string pullers all along planned on emasculating, sequestering and neutralizing Trump at the moment that Pence stabbed him and the country in the back by refusing
    to call for the election to be invalidated. Pence was IN ON THIS TREASONOUS PLAN. The plan all along was to make Pence acting President for the last two weeks before the Inauguration. They planned all along to keep Trump somewhere out of sight so he couldn't cause them trouble and have Pence run the show and preside over the change. ALL OF THIS was long ago planned out. Sadly, while being a good businessman, Trump was a shitty politician. Otherwise he might have seen this coming.


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