
Monday, January 11, 2021

Biden Has Finally Announced His Entire Cabinet. Here’s What You Need to Know

Since President-elect Joe Biden won the election in November, he has been announcing the Cabinet nominees who will help him achieve his administration’s agenda. 

His nominees, if confirmed by the Senate after he takes office, would comprise the most diverse Cabinet in American history, a promise which Biden made while campaigning. Below is a list of who he has chosen to head departments throughout the executive branch.


  1. "Diversity". That's WAY more important than competence or integrity.

  2. "Since President-elect Joe Biden won the election in November,..."

    I did not open the link, because the story begins with that bald faced lie.
    I will never ever believe that he won, but that the election was flat out stolen.
    Gropey Joe couldn't draw more than 10 people to his rallies, and they were reporters from the communist media.

    Meanwhile, Trump drew 20,000-50,000 every where he went, with many more who were outside the venues and couldn't get in, because the place was full.
    People who walked through the crowds at Trump's rallies, talking to the attendees, found a ton of Democrats attending who were going to vote for Trump.

    But yeah, 80,000,000 voted for a senile old man who imitated a gopher by running his campaign by hiding in his basement.
    Seem totally legit, and not a GD lie.....

    Tim in AK

  3. Diverse is not synonymous with good, of course.

    Just the same Commies from 4 years ago.

  4. Diverse....every flavour of shite and colour of yellow, every perversion and subcontracts of corruption.

  5. BS, where are the trannies and illegals?

  6. 'Diverse', is 'qualified' mentioned anywhere?

  7. Biden used the "Village People method" of selecting his cabinet. What a collection of maroons!

  8. ..and I bet they will be confirmed by the senate within two weeks if not sooner, unlike Trump's cabinet that was closer to two years for confirmation. See, Trump couldn't fire the key people since they had to be OK'd by the rest of the swamp. We really have no country anymore - It's called the United States but there is not ONE THING its united on!

  9. I hear china joe is planning a new federal department with an additional cabinet post... TheBureauOfJustifyingOurExistence.

  10. I wonder how many of these Kamala is going to keep around.

  11. This whole article is a waste of ink. There will be no Cabinet for any of these people. Maybe a jail cell for a short time. Does anyone pay attention to "Monkey Werz" where the host shows all the fedgov contract planes carrying prisoners to prisons outside America? Does anyone know why all these deep staters are getting arrested for treason and being taken to jails at Gitmo and Iceland and in the Azores and the one in Honduras? It is because all these traitors are going before a Military tribunal. If they are found guilty they then are videoed doing a confession before their execution. The US Constitution does not hold power outside America. The Military has it's own rules. Not like our rules here where some POS waste can stay alive for years making stupid appeals before getting their due execution.

  12. We'll be invading some poor third world shithole within 100 days and Knee deep in dead servicemen and women guaranteed. Bidens buddies have missed their profits.


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