
Monday, January 11, 2021

Welcome to my world

State Senator Amanda Chase (R-Chesterfield) said Friday that she has been banned from posting to her public Facebook page for 30 days, with an additional ban on posting live video for another 30 days. In addition to the ban, Facebook removed some of her posts, including a video showing a woman being shot in the U.S. Capitol and flagged as false Chase’s claims of Antifa involvement in the Wednesday Capitol riot.


  1. At this point, anyone who hasn't moved to MeWe and terminated Facebook DESERVES what happens to them.

  2. She is a firebrand and a 2A supporter. The VA Republicans are trying to shut her out of running for Govenor so they can pick another loser.

    Quote from the article:
    “Amanda Chase’s antics have long grown more than tiresome,” Cox said. “Her threat to run as an independent is based solely on the fact that she knows principled, conservative Republicans will never tolerate the demagogue she has become. She could participate in this nomination contest, but instead she will fade from relevance as loyal Republicans continue to focus on putting our conservative principles to work solving the challenges people face daily in this Commonwealth.”

    Jeremy P.

  3. You can tell who the real principled, conservative Republicans are; they're the ones the tyrants are trying to get rid of:
    Ted Cruz, maybe a couple others - that's it.
    The rest are RINO cunts

    1. ANON...YOU Get it!!!!

      You are exactly correct. And many of these RINO's will be punished for treason and or crimes against humanity. Every State will need to begin their own purges. They may get help from Trump's crew, but I think we will need to initiate the effort.


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