
Monday, January 11, 2021

'We will not be bullied': Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear lashes out after 'patriot rally' draws armed protesters to state Capitol

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Only days after a deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear condemned a "patriot rally" on Saturday outside the commonwealth's statehouse. 


  1. More evidence ALL politicians are spineless sock-puppets who are more concerned about saving their careers than following the constitution.

  2. Fuck him.
    Face your constituents punk.

  3. The Kentucky Legislature is meeting right now, planning on jerking a knot in Lil Andy's tail. For what it is worth, they plan on limiting a governor's emergency powers to 30 Days anything after that will require approval of the legislature. They have the votes to override any veto he hands down.
    Lil Andy still has his ass chapped after he was hanged in effigy last year. Poor little worthless politician with a Mao complex.
    At least you can say Lil Andy stays bought. His proposed budget has big raises for the teachers, trying to pay the bribe he promised to get elected. If it were up to me, teachers would get a pay cut.

  4. First governor to fence off the governor's mansion. Lil Andy wants to keep the serfs of the lawn.

    1. VA capitol looks like an armed camp. Government is a failure. National and State. Joke government. This is what deomcrats' "our democracy" looks like.

  5. When you see the failure of so many institutions; medical, political, media, educational; you can't help but see the one common denominator they all have is government control or influence.
    Less government is the best government.

  6. Here in Michigan, our Republican legislature voted today to ban the open carry of firearms, I think I'm all capitol grounds, possibly just in the capitol building. Either way, it a another sign of how it matters not which party you are in, you will still see the POS violate our freefoms. And I wondered why the legislature did nothing to stop the Democrats from cheating during the election.


    1. Trump Team allowed the dems to all show themselves how corrupt they are. This past election did not matter. It was to select a president for a dead corporation, the USA, INC, which was incorporated in 1873 I believe. England and some American banksters and industrialists from the North East decided that they needed more control of the country. That corporation ended just this past August I believe. Maybe it was September, that is a moot point. Trump Team wanted to lay a trap to see who all would show up to cheat the vote. Trump got lots of names he only suspected before and now he has the goods on many more traitors. Pence was offered life in jail if only he would do the right thing and cancel the electors phoney selection. Now Pence will face the firing squad. And many of the legislature have been using the vote cheat to keep their lousy butts in office. Our Texas senator Cornyn will face the treason firing squad for his cheating heart. Thank God! We are finally getting him gone.

  7. Way past time to "stop bullying" politicians and start HANGING THEM.


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