
Monday, January 11, 2021

Some among America's military allies believe Trump deliberately attempted a coup

The supporters of President Donald Trump who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday to stop the ratification of President-elect Joe Biden's election victory were attempting a violent coup that multiple European security officials said appeared to have at least tacit support from aspects of the US federal agencies responsible for securing the Capitol complex.


  1. No, it was Radical Leftist who were escorted in to cause mayhem and destruction. This is the burning of the Richstag moment for the American Fascists' Elite. Blame Trump and end this Republic. Propaganda Media pushed it and the sheeple repeat it until it is now truth. Welcome to your nightmare!

    1. "to cause mayhem and destruction."

      Pretty minor levels of both, as far as "insurrections" go.

  2. A coup, with unarmed people? Sure....

  3. I trust the EU as much as i trust gas station sushi.


  4. Didn't read past no credible evidence provided. Need only remember how leaders of European countries tripped over each other to get close to Obama, and "European countries?" HaHaHaHa.

  5. They must all get their news from the MSM.

    1. Business Insider makes up most of what they report.

  6. Sure.

    Business Insider is virulently anti-Trump. Don't believe a word out of there.

  7. Well, if anyone knows about coups; those euroweenies are very informed about the tactic.

  8. Pardon me for my lack of professional military experience but I have a question?????

    If you are going to perform a coup on a government, don't you usually bring a weapon??????

    Seems like no one at the capitol had one.....or at least very very few.

    1. No, no, no. You're not thinking tactically. See, bringing weapons to a coup is just what the government would expect people do so, so the protestors really outfoxed 'em!

  9. Ever watch a pack of feral dogs when one of them is sick or wounded? That's our "allies".

  10. Buainess insider is as anti Trump as a Leftist rag can be. (and they are VERY Leftist)

    They are even less trustworthy than the New York Times.

  11. Almost all the NATO countries do not support Trump. Poland and the Czech Republic are the only two EU countries who support Trump. The remainder are all a bunch of commie sucking trash. fuckem

    1. Viktor Orban of Hungary is a Trump fan. Obama a couple of days ago said Trump and Orban were alike because both treated citizens like subjects. Obama again reflecting his own view of citizens.


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