
Monday, January 11, 2021

I don’t like what I’m seeing…

But I think it’s coming. Pandora’s Box has been opened and I don’t believe the Dems have the capability to get it closed… 

Twitter has permanently suspended Trump’s accounts… 

Facebork is probably going to do the same… 

And Simon & Schuster is canceling Sen. Josh Hawley’s forthcoming book because of the violent riots on Capitol Hill, the company announced on Thursday, below.


  1. They hacked Parler and got everyones drivers license. Why anyone would join any social media site that requires your drivers license is beyond me but people lined up to do it.

    1. When I joined Parler I there was no demand for my DL number.

    2. Talking with a good friend yesterday who suggested using Blaze as secure browser. When I looked it up, on Blaze's home page, at the bottom (contact information) was listed San Francisco CA. Anyone wanna explain to me how ANYTHING dealing with liberty and freedom and security comes out of San Fran?? No, thanks, hard pass. A simple 5-minute check was all it took to throw red flags on the suggestion.

    3. Are you sure it requires a drivers license? I have an account and I'm the kind of guy who never hands out his drivers license.

    4. The drivers license is used to verify the account, the "blue check". There might be dozens of fans and trolls that try to create accounts with names similar to a celebrity or politician. The DL is used to determine who is telling the truth.


    5. @whynot. Brave browser is pretty good and seems secure

  2. Watch it on Netflix: "Kristallnacht - part Deux" filmed in the USA.

  3. Since the killing has already started and things will go back to Zippy, things could get interesting.

    Local police and sheriffs have refused to implement lockdown rules, so I have the feeling you're going to see a real split coming as more people get affected. At the Federal level, we're all just helots, but, get down to the local level or O-3 and below, and we're still Mom and Dad.

    It will make a difference.

  4. Back when Zuckerberg was 19 year old college student he said people just handed me their information.
    "They're dumb fucks"

  5. The left is going to FAFO - they want to purge America of all conservatives.

    Just like that nutjob that shot up republican softball practice, both peLousy's and mcconnell's homes were tagged. If they can tag your home...

    I fear this is exactly where we're headed. Since libs apparently love lists now - anyone who supports impeachment will go on the list patriots are keeping.

    Time reveals all but I don't see any of this power grab by the left ending well.

    1. Trump Team is doing all the purging of the traitor commies.

  6. They only required it if you wanted to elevate your account. I didn’t feel like making anyone’s hacking job easier so my account was one of the little guys. In the end, we were all un-personed.

  7. When does the shooting start, and where do I get my assignments?


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