
Monday, January 11, 2021

FBI: Nothing to see here, move along, move along.....

No evidence has been found that members of the left-wing antifa movement were involved in this week’s storming of the Capitol building, the FBI said Friday, contradicting a narrative pushed by some Trump allies. 

“We have no indication of that at this time,” Washington Field Office assistant director Steven D'Antuono said during a briefing when asked about any potential involvement of antifa.


  1. Alrighty, then. If the feebees say it ain't so, then our lying eyes can't be trusted.

  2. nothin new there. the fibbers be blind.

  3. At this point, I'd have been more surprised if they had found evidence. They seem to imitate the three monkeys as long is it isn't Conservatives to be investigated.

  4. 2 people they arrested are antifa members. The fbi really has become the stazi.


  5. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. But don't worry, The Department of Just-Us has declared that the only threat to the country comes from right wing domestic terrorists, such as veterans...

  6. They checked Hunter's non-existing laptop and did not find any proof there that Antifa was invited by Nanzi to participate in last week's riots.
    Thank you FBI, the country would not be safe without you.

  7. The FBI doesn't see antifa the same way the ISI doesn't see the Taliban.

  8. I'm shocked; shocked I say. . .

  9. You talkin bout the FBI that helped spy on Trumps 2016 campaign or some other non Russia colusion FBI?

  10. Guess the FBI doesn’t monitor the commies social media accts.
    It’s all in Utah.

    Oh wait, fbi, nsa , communist sympathizers

    Never mind

    1. There's your target.... Remove the ability to have sigint... The World would be a better place...

  11. Upholding their agency's proud tradition...

  12. The fuk bois and idiots score one again, haven't felt this safe since Waco.

  13. It is absolutely amazing the number of things you don't find when you aren't looking for them.

  14. From the same org that couldn’t build a case against least they are consistent. Next up, “where is my ass? I’m using both hands and still can’t find it.”

  15. The cameraman behind Ashli was an admitted antifa and he was arrested.....but yeah, no antifa involvement whatsoever. Of course he was let go without being charged.....justice I guess.

    1. And I'll bet long odds that all records of his "arrest" have been purged.

  16. HMMM at least 2-3 Buses Brought BLM and ANTIFA IDIOTS to the capitol area. Fake horn head AHNTIFA CLOWNhas been photographed at at least two ANTIFA BLM RALLIES. A member of the BLM LEADERSHIP has been photographed in PELOSI'S OFFICE. But neither group was there according to the FBI (FIBBERS, BULLSHITTERS and IMPOSTERS).They play law enforcemnt for the cameras but are really shills for the DEMONRAT PARTY.

  17. Anybody else remember the "good ol' days" when FBI just meant Forever Bothering Italians?

  18. The FBI are documented, proven liars. Pay no attention to what lies they peddle.
    Can't get past the BLM dude who was behind Ashli Babbit.

  19. My bull shit meter has been pegged so many times the needle's broken.

  20. The fbi has around 35,000 people and the cia has around 20,000. It won't take long for the Trump Team to shake out the traitors from 55,000. Both will get new management and all the bad guys will go to life in prison or firing squad. Hannity says over and over the bad apples in the fbi are all at the top. The line officers are all good guys. Who showed up at Waco? or even Waco II when they shot up that bunch of bikers? Both agencies are dirty top to bottom.


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