
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler pepper sprays unmasked man who confronted him

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler blasted with pepper spray an unmasked man who confronted him and former Mayor Sam Adams with a video camera as the two left a pub Sunday night, the two men told police.


  1. If the "confronter" didn't lay a hand on him, then that's battery and he should be charged and convicted.

    1. But you know full well that the spare wheel(er) is a rare example of the protected white it it's natural habitat. He will be permitted to fatten up in his pasture a little before they consume him. I'm sure he would be unable to grow fat and well-marbled on standard prison fare. He's just another leftist bully sniveling little punk.
      -Just A Chemist

  2. dooshtool gets a taste of what his libtard policies have meant for hundreds, if not thousands, of his constituents who are law abiding property and business owners.

    BTW I agree with what Sedition wrote.

    Steve the Engineer

  3. Maybe the dude was just trying to "hit on" Wheeler. Obviously it was a bad "face-to-face" hook-up move. He should have stuck to Gay Tinder.

  4. Not a smart move. Next person who confronts Wheeler may do so with something a bit more menacing than a camera.

  5. Surprised Thedork didn't use a bottle of perfume some guy gave him.

  6. I figured wheeler for more of a rape whistle guy, never pepper spray.

  7. The reporter didn't get the identification right.
    That should be "Sam Portland's First Openly-Gay Mayor" Adams.

    For his entire term, I swear every story in the local press identified him that way.

  8. I bet he carries a concealed dildo now...

    1. Sure way to get invited to the obama mansion.

  9. A peasant dared impede the progress of a noble? Insect should count itself lucky it wasn't killed!
    - Your Friendly Elites


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