
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

President's speech, 1/12/21



  1. I could not find it on OAN or Newsmax but link says 3pm from Alamo TX. I hope it is gonna be good news.

  2. There is so much fake news right now it is incredible. I saw 3 announcements all with different dates and times. Keep an eye out though, one of them might be real.

  3. I'm glad to see that you found RSB, Kenny.
    I watched most of his rallies on RSB at another site.
    I will definitely be watching this speech. At the time that I am writing this comment, it says "live in 4 hours".

    Tim in AK

  4. OAN and Newsmax are covering it but none of the networks or Fox.777,000+ watching right now. Thank you Ken

  5. Just a very humble Trump, talking about law enforcement and the 435 mile wall, no major newsrooms carried it, but the internet had it, maybne 20 minutes the Alamo, that's about it...MSM has shut him down, sadly...

    1. It was at Alamo Texas, not at the Alamo that the city was named for.

  6. I watched his entire speech. He was there to congratulate and thank the Border Patrol and the INS for the great jobs they're doing and the progress made on the wall. He stuck to the subject and made no comments or passed out any hints about anything else. He looked very tired.


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