
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The White Rock Chicken: Egg Laying, Temperament, and Broodiness

The White Rock chicken is an all-star chicken that will get the job done on the farm, and serve up dinner too. This American breed originated in Massachusetts and was named after Plymouth Rock. While the White Rock is often referred to as a breed on its own, it is actually a variety of the Plymouth Rock, which can come in different color varieties, including white. You may even hear other chicken fanciers refer to the White Rock as the White Plymouth Rock. Think of it as being similar to the naming of the Orpington chicken…there’s Buff Orpingtons, Jubilee Orpington, Splash Orpington… etc.


  1. I've had quite a few different breeds of layers and I found that White Rocks are the most aggressive.

  2. Living in middle TN, I have 11 of these hens, first time having chickens since I was a kid. Despite being January, we are still getting anywhere from 8 to 10 eggs per day from these birds.


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