
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Yup, he's a straight up liberal

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) is slated to file legislation to abolish the Electoral College, saying presidential elections should be decided by the popular vote of the people. 


  1. What I love about these idiots is that they keep proposing legislation, i.e. new laws to do things that REQUIRE an amendment to the Constitution. 'Course the courts have deserted the rule of law, so anything is possible at this point.


  2. Such a change would require a Constitutional Amendment, not just passing a bill. What are the chances such an amendment would be ratified? None of the smaller states (smaller population-wise) would vote to ratify such an Amendment because they would be "shooting themselves in the foot" and making them vassals of the larger states.

    The Framers knew what they were doing. We don't want or need a tyranny of the majority.

    1. "Such a change would require a Constitutional Amendment, not just passing a bill. What are the chances such an amendment would be ratified?"

      What are the chances that Congress or the President will give the slightest possible fuck that some old scrap of parchment says they can't do it that way? What are the chances that the Supreme Court says "Nah, it's fine" even assuming someone can get a case on it before them?

      "None of the smaller states (smaller population-wise) would vote to ratify such an Amendment"

      Yeah, like they'll get a say. States are basically just federal administrative districts nowadays.

      "The Framers knew what they were doing."

      Our new nobility knows better, according to them, at least, and no one really seems to have the means to stop them, so...

      "We don't want or need a tyranny of the majority."
      True, but that's what we're gonna get.

  3. Electoral college or not is a moot point. The fact is if elections really mattered they'd be illegal.

    1. My vote for LBJ counted!
      - Lee Harvey Oswald

  4. Yeah, and it was a mistake to elect Senators directly as well.

    1. Agreed. The 17th Amendment should be repealed with the proviso that state legislatures MUST be the ones to select their state's US senators. Before, the 17th, the states could decide how their US Senators would be selected. That's what ended up driving the 17th Amendment into being. It turns out it was a mistake, just like the 18th Amendment. At least the 18th Amendment was repealed when it was realized it wasn't working.

      Senators need to be reminded they work for their home states, not the people who funded their election campaigns.

  5. Cohen's a straight up crooked scumbag liberal. I had dealings with him back when he was in the state legislature.

  6. Once the democrats take over both houses and the senate vote is changed to simple majority, this will become the law, along with 2 new states with democrat reps and senators....good bye, republic, hello fascism/socialism....either way, it's dictatorial rule....thank God pelosy (funny, I linked on this for spelling and it came up "leprosy")is about ready to keel over ....I know, doesn't fit well with forgive your enemies....hey, I'm a work in progress....

    1. You realize that when San Fran Nan is gone, it's gonna be AOC or someone like her that takes her spot, right? Nancy is now "the good old days".

  7. Not only is he a lib, he is a first class asshole. The guy who showed up at a committee hearing eating a bucket of chicken.

    Really Tennesse? Come on!

    De Oppresso Liber

    1. The Ninth Congressional District, which is pretty much Memphis, will be Cohen's as long as he wants it.

  8. Takes oath to support constitution. Files legislation to overthrow constitution. Treason and perjury all in one. Takes 2/3 majority vote and ratification by 2/3's of state legislatures if you follow the law which we apparently don't. I would submit that the electoral college didn't make any difference anyway. There really is no voting your way out of this. If voting mattered they wouldn't let us pretend to do do it.

    1. Not really. If he was pushing to ignore the Electoral College or supported states joining the NPV consortium, then you would be correct. That he's filing legislation to amend the constitution isn't overthrowing the constitution.

      What are the chances such an amendment making it out of Congress? Not great. What are the chances it would be ratified? Zero.

  9. A century or so ago politicians like this assclown would be visited at night and get a dose of tar and feathers for violating his oath office.... something that was at the time a terminal treatment. We need to return to those days of late night impromptu visits to criminals in office.

  10. Russian news sites have stories of government officials there calling the US electoral system archaic and overdue for change. Which party does the Russian idea benefit? Well, eventually Russia.

    1. no, they are LAUGHING at your archaic system of 51 stats with 51 different standards of voting integrity, the fact the united states doesn't not have any form of voter identification to stop massive fraud.
      to quote many, "If the American election were held in ANY other country, America would be invading it by now because "Fraudulent election".
      and FFS give it a REST with the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, NOBODY wants the land of the united states, y'all done polluted it to the point of no return, make a "superfund" sound like a GOOD thing??!!.
      ps, even being on the other side of the planet, even I know why the electoral college is there. 1/ "popularity votes" are EASILY rigged.. see your current "mail in" bullshit. 2/ is so BADLY disenfranchises the small states like NH.

      ONE STATE ONE VOTE lets see how the californicators and the Jew Yorkers choke on THAT!!

    2. The cheating demorats have been cheating every election in Texas as long as I have been alive and I am 70 years old. I agree with Russians, despite thay really don't have a clue about what they are talking about.

  11. G-d damn him and all other liberal Jews - e.g., Nadler.

    I am so tired of them betraying what the Torah teaches, and instead worshiping - not G-d - but Marx.

  12. I have said it before here, Go get yourself; Constitution Alive! A citizens Guide to the Constitution. David Barton of “Wall Builders”. Its a 5 DVD set with a work book. Then get a group of your family or neighbors and start YOUR OWN CLASS!!!

    the left wants it gone because they cant do a work around of how it REPRESENTS each INDIVIDUAL.

    David and Steven Green explain how and why the Electoral College is such an amazing thing to behold.

    You have been tasked!! Do not fail.


  13. Two wolves and a sheep...

  14. I think it's an interesting idea, then elections can be decided by who has the fastest and/or the largest number of printers. Or go to all electronic then we can use powers of 10 to determine who got the most votes.

    1. I'm starting to favor cage matches a la Thunderdome.

  15. If the Electoral Collage were to be abolished and replaced with a direct popular vote if would mean 6-8 of the most populous states (e.g. CA, FL, NY) could tell about half the country to fuck off, since their vote would NOT matter, as it would have no influence on the outcome. BTW, there is another name for democracy; mob rule. Currently our elections are on par with a high school popularity contest.


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