
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

So much for that career

The Army is investigating a psychological operations officer who led a group of people from North Carolina to the rally in Washington that led up to the deadly riot in the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump. 

Commanders at Fort Bragg are reviewing Captain Emily Rainey’s involvement in last week’s events in the nation’s capital, but she said she acted within military regulations and that no one in her group broke the law.


  1. I am not sure why anyone would want to serve in a military that prohibits fundamental God given rights.

    1. Historically speaking, the opportunity to engage in plunder was a big motivator, and I wouldn't put it past our new overlords to ensure that it makes a comeback, at least on the domestic front.

    2. It would be naive to believe cops don't do it when serving warrants all the time.

  2. "no one in her group broke the law"????
    Laws have been abolished. It is now up to Die Nanzi Partei to decide what is allowed or not, and you, deplorable, can go to hell.

  3. And not even a fraction of this effort was put forth when BLM and Antifa marched, murdered and destroyed property on a level multiple times that of the DC event. Why is that?

    1. Because commies can do anything to further their goals and objectives. With commies it is a one way street, always has been.
      What I find funny is the sheer number of you who are just now figuring out what I have known and railed about for 45 years. And I was the crazy one for saying what was what. And you fuckers bought the commie line so fast you couldn't get enough. I have as much disdain for you as I do the commies. This Bull Shit could have been over 30 years ago but you fucking idiots wanted to believe the bullshit. Fuck all of you.

  4. The news writer has consumed Democratic/Progressive/Idiot Kool Aid, proven by terming protesters "insurrectionists." Oh, he/she said. That is what my leaders call those fascists, so I should as well.

  5. The story was written by a writer from AP- Apparatchik Press.

  6. If they weren't in uniform and advertising themselves as "Arrrmy", then it shouldn't be a matter for their command.

  7. We've got to put an end to this bifurcated system of just-us.

    1. It should be coming to a close by February

  8. I have to wonder why you keep putting these Libtard fucking articles on here??? To hear their fucking lies and bullshit really pisses me off. This site is great, but hate when my blood pressure goes up.


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