
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Talk about illusions of grandeur

BIG PINE KEY, Fla. – A man from Milwaukee, who told Monroe County Sheriff’s Office that his name was Jesus Christ, is behind bars after deputies said that he tried to break a glass door of a gas station with a brick, causing $1,000 worth of damage.


  1. He probably saw a rerun of an old Barney Miller episode the night before at the homeless shelter. Wojo arrested a street preacher who had been bothering the streetwalkers-when he was explaining the facts to Barney back at the precinct he said "This guy claims he's Jesus Christ" at which point the guy said something like all he was doing was trying to get the harlots to change their ways. That is one show I do miss.

  2. Shouldn't he have just miracled himself inside the gas station? A brick hardly qualifies as a "mysterious way"


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