
Monday, January 04, 2021

The Road to Yorktown (1781)

 Dan Davis of the American Battlefield Trust comes to you from the Revolutionary War Battlefield of Yorktown to give a detailed overview of the events leading up to, and during the Battle of Yorktown in 1781. 

VIDEO HERE  (30:36 minutes)


  1. Yorktown was a great place to visit.

  2. I once stood on the ground where the British surrendered to American forces at Yorktown, and wept. And I was speechless.

  3. I grew up not far from Yorktown. I spent a lot of hours there over the years. Great place for some recreation.

  4. If you really think about the history of defeating the greatest power on Earth you have to believe there was some devine intervention. We could use a lot of that about now. Thank you for these Ken.


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