
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

You've heard of a picture you can feel?



  1. Had that happen when I was 14 YO. I was setting duck pins at the Moose Lanes and when I went to throw a ball back the ring finger on my right hand caught a loose spot on the wooden ramp. That bastard went about half way down to the base of my nail. I don't know what pain was worse. That or some of the kidney stones that I've passed over the years.....

  2. Got a splinter like that while baling hay. Dad dug it out with his jackknife. Not sure which hurt worse.

  3. That right there will hurt for a long time after that tree branch is removed.

  4. Had that exact thing happen to me. Was in there past the nail, and stuck so hard I had to use pliers to yank it out. Not the best day...

  5. Aaah, that brings back memories! Just a sliver of door facing sticking out & my finger didn't clear it. Tried to tough it out while working, nope, pressure to the pad of the finger would hurt like hell.
    Tech at hospital numbed the area, cut half the nail off to extract (you're welcome for that visual). I've still got it somewhere. That fucker was an inch long
    Been there, done that, got the pics & the tee shirt.
    lil jack

  6. I had the same thing happened to me as a young girl. I went to hang a shirt on a hook in my closet and the hook was mounted to a trim board that obviously had not been well sanded. For the guy with the kidney stones....One quarter cup olive oil and one quarter cup lemon juice mixed. Drink it down. Pain starts to leave almost immediately. I swear this is true I've done it at least four times. Bottled lemon juice is fine. I keep it in my fridge at all times and I keep olive oil in my cabinet at all times just for this. I have had natural childbirth and I would put kidney stone pain right up there close with that pain. You will not believe how fast this remedy works. The lemon juice dissolves the stone and the olive oil greases the chute!

  7. That looks like it would break off before pulling out.

  8. I had a cactus thorn go straight into one of my finger joints, likely through the tendon. Tiny hole but it took a few weeks to get full ROM back from it. Not sure if pulling it out hurt more than it going in.


  9. The picture is quiet and calm. I suspect things were a bit louder in that room when the picture was taken.

  10. I can't only feel the pain.....I've already known that pain.

  11. I think anyone who has worked around wood has had this happen at least once. OMG! That hurts. In my case it was actually worse pulling it out than when it went in. (I had to yank it out with a pair of needle-nose pliers.)

    But that wasn't the worse pain. Nope, the worse was when I was in the Navy and accidentally closed a watertight door on my thumb. The corpsman relieved the pressure by punching a hole in my thumbnail with a red-hot paper clip. It felt a lot better after he did that, but man, it still throbbed for about a week.

  12. Shit, I hate you all! I CAN feel that picture and some of the other stories...

  13. Oh, gawd, I think I just peed a little just from LOOKING at that picture!


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