
Monday, February 08, 2021

31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine

 1. It’s not a vaccine. A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything. In a best-case scenario, it merely reduces the chance of getting a severe case of a virus if one catches it. Hence, it is a medical treatment, not a vaccine. I do not want to take a medical treatment for an illness I do not have.



  1. Complete horseshit. I've been a nurse for almost 20 years. I've deeply researched this. It's fine. Get your shot. More "treatments" based on this are in the works. It's honestly history in the making what this tech will be used for and how much more safe it is than injecting organism into your body. Sheesh the tinfoil runs deep with some.

    1. Sorry, but I don't trust any medical 'miracle cure' that was pushed through in less than a year.
      If you want to roll the dice and take the shot, by all means go ahead - just don't force me to do it.

    2. I address it in my instatwitface rant. Most of the was done for sars and mers. The pharmaceuticals spent the money years ago and just tweaked it fir this bug.

    3. come to my door and try to force it on me & mine there nurse. I dare ya ..

    4. Please go ahead and take my jab. Flu vaccines have been in development for over 70 years and have only 40% efficacy. You cannot tell me they whipped up a "vaccine" for the WuFlu (which is a cold) when they have never in the history of man, created a vaccine for the common cold. Why take this unapproved human trial treatment when you can still get it and spread it. The survival rate for the WuFlu is much higher than the "vaccine" so why take the jab when you are not sick, but have a 3% of dying after the jab. Also, since this unapproved human trial is only 10 months old, how many will still die years from now from cancer or other issues from this gene therapy horseshit?

    5. You have been a nurse for twenty years and still cant spell or construct a proper sentence?
      No wonder those in hospitals are dying.


    6. Funny. Personal attack for typing on a phone? Strong work.

    7. Funny. Personal attack for typing on a phone? Strong work.

    8. I don't give shit what medical degrees or experience you have. Your first clue as to the nature of what this jab could do should have been when CONgress passed a law last year indemnifying the "vaccine" makes from any and all harm caused by it.

      Ask Hank Arron how the jab worked out for him. Oh, you can't. He died withing three days of getting stuck. He was otherwise healthy, yet old. There has been at least one person a day, in the news, dying unexpectedly, that means they were other wise healthy, after getting the jab and those are just the ones they're telling us about.

      None of the people that are dying nor their families can sue for wrongful death because the law won't let them.

      Messenger RNA, a DNA altering mechanism, has never been used to deliver any kind of immunity before this "vaccine" was invented. Ask yourself why nurse.


    9. Go fuck yourself.

    10. Mrna goes from the nucleus to the cell. Mrna doesn't interact with DNA, it builds proteins.

    11. I don't give a shit what it does or what it's designed to do.

      I absolutely do not and refuse to take it.

      Is tjhis ok with you or not ?

    12. Why the fuck would you take a "treatment" for a virus you don't have? (because it's NOT a vaccine, they only call it that to get FDA clearance)
      Count me OUT!

    13. You need to work on the other folks in the medical field because

      about 50% have REFUSED the vaccine.

      WHY IS THIS?

      Rhetorical. No need.

    14. 90 of our docs 40 of the other staff. Strange correlation, eh?


    My article on the vaccine.

    1. Write all the articles you wish...I have my opinion, you have yours. IMO everyone should be free to decide to take it or not.

    2. @chadow10, do you agree with anonymous really or are you finally showing some tolerance for someone else's feelings on the matter? As a matter of fact since you say the article is bullshit, does that mean that you disagree with the author's stance on Bill Gates? Last question, why the uproar for a virus with a higher survivability rate than the flu?

    3. Of course I agree in his choice. I'm more worried about gates land grab than anything with this virus.

  3. Replies
    1. I've been here for years. Normally dont call dumb shit, but this has been in my face at the hospital for a year. I'm over wearing n95s all day.

    2. Many medical studies show that masks are not effective. One year ago the CDC, WHO, NIH, and Fauci among other told us: "don't bother with a mask. It won't do any good." So, why is the history making medical community still telling the public to wear masks?

    3. Then you go and get the shot.

      My body, my choice.

      Also, be sure to cash that Soros check ASAP...

  4. See the top comment for the insanity that has wrapped around this, nothing in that comment is accurate. Trust is earned they have not

  5. Reason #6 sums up my reason for not submitting-

    "The drug companies have zero liability if anything goes wrong, and cannot be sued. Same for the politicians who are pushing this treatment. I will not inject myself with a new, experimental medical device when the people behind it accept no liability or responsibility if something goes wrong. I will not risk my health and my life when they refuse to risk anything."

  6. This whole thing stinks to high heaven. They have tracked the virus back to a Chinese lab that does research for military use yet no media or govt spokesman are raising questions if this was a deliberate release by the chicoms. With Biden being deeply compromised by China there will never be any answers. This bug is already mutating so current vaccines are ineffective or will be soon. The establishment and media are trying to guilt everybody into compliance while indemnifying vaccine manufactures whose protocols are "SEALED" for 30 YEARS. I don't trust the republicans politicians anymore than I do the democrats to protect the public. We live in a time where nothing from media or government can be trusted.

  7. My opinion: A decision to take any vaccination should be made by an individual upon consulting with that persons Dr. and be based on ones own medical history. Politicians and the media should not be involved in this or any other medical decision because that amounts to medical tyranny. Having said that, my son is actually working on operation Warp Speed day and night and I can tell you that they are not skipping any steps, they are simply doing in parallel what is normally done sequentially. I've personally seen the dedication and urgency that is going in to this effort. I also have taken the first dose of one of the vaccines and have had zero side effects. I suffer from asthma and have a badly scarred up lung because of it and I've ended up hospitalized with respiratory problems so I am in real danger from COVID. I'll be the guinea pig and let ya'll know if anything bad happens because of it or the follow on shot. On a funny note (let's keep a sense of humor here) - I was in the hospital with all the lung crap a few years ago long enough so that the nurses knew how they could talk to me. As I was checking out one of them came in with a shot and said "do you want a pneumonia vaccine? because if you get pneumonia you're gonna die!" I took the shot.

    1. ^^this^^
      Be guided by the people you trust.
      Make an informed decision.
      Good luck Mikey.
      "He likes it! Hey Mikey!" - Likes what? LIFE, that's what!

    2. Hmmm, massively parallel processing vs sequential operations to get results quickly. So this could be used to produce one infant per month by impregnating 9 women simultaneously? In time, this shot could be the foundation of a new medical paradigm. Until it has a track record, it looks like the space shuttles Challenger and Colombia to me. The damn thing is EXPERIMENTAL. As such, I abide by the NAVY rule... Never Again Volunteer Yourself.

    3. There is a reason that experimentation and development process are run sequentially -- you cannot know the starting point of sequence #2 until you know the end result of sequence #1.

      If you run two dependent developments in parallel, you are using the results of the first one.

      Doing that is as if you are building a house and tell contractor 1 to pour the foundation at the same time that you tell contract 2 to install the drywall on the second floor.

      Not good science nor engineering

  8. Never trust a "professional" or an "expert". They are easily corrupted.

  9. 11a) Mr. Vaccine tweets a photo of "himself" getting the vaccine. (Hint: Hes not in the photo.)

    32) Fauci said in 2005 that chloroquine was an extremely effective treatment AND prophylactic for SARS-Cov infections.

  10. The most important reasons IMHO
    Elmo posted #6 already

    9. The executives and board members at Pfizer are on record that they have not taken their own treatment, despite all the fanfare and assurances. They are claiming that they would consider it unfair to “cut the line”. This is a preposterous excuse, and it takes an unbelievable amount of chutzpah to even say such a thing. Such a “line” is a figment of their own imagination; if they hogged a couple of injections for themselves no one would cry foul. In addition, billionaires with private jets and private islands are not known for waiting in line until hundreds of millions of peasants all over the world go first to receive anything these billionaires want for themselves.

    11. Three facts that must be put together:
    - Bill Gates is touting these vaccines as essential to the survival of the human race.
    - Bill Gates believes the world has too many people and needs to be “depopulated”.
    - Bill Gates, perhaps the richest man in the world, has also not been injected. No rush.

    Uh, no. I’ll pass on any medical treatments he wants me to take.

    15. Those who raise concerns about this medical treatment are being bullied, slandered, mocked, censored, ostracized, threatened, and fired from their jobs. This includes medical professionals who have science-based concerns about the drug and caregivers who have witnessed people under their charge suffering horrible reactions and death shortly after being injected. When the establishment is purging good people who risk everything simply to raise concerns about a new medical treatment — even if they don’t outright oppose it — I will trust these brave people over the establishment every time. I cannot think of a single similar case in history when truth and morality turned out to be on the side of the establishment.

  11. Have a read:

    Hcq and Ivermectin have been used for around 60 years now, effective against a range of viruses and with virtually zero side effects. VERY well known and documented in many countries but having such a cheap and easy cure doesn't help the great Agenda 2030 rollout now does it.
    Then there's Fauci's inconsistencies.
    Masks don't work (they don't work and the mask manufacturers tell you that!) then says they do work and now you should wear two (if they worked in the first place then why two now?) and then there's the historical record of Fauci saying that the Spanish flu deaths were largely attributable to pneumonia caused by...wearing masks!
    What about hospitals being paid the record deaths as due to Covid? Says volumes about the medical ethics of the doctors and the profession as a whole. What about the 99.997% survival rate ? Global lockdowns for a virus with a mortality rate on par withe annual flu? What about the CDC revised death rates? What happens when the vaccine doesn't affect mutant strains? More lockdowns and maybe 3 masks?
    If the mRNA vaccine is, as stated, effectively an operating system then what programmes will it execute?
    Initially none (no reactions or deaths early on thereby ensuring minimal resistance by people to subsequent shots) but they'll use mutated virus vaccine shots to add the programmes. Delete a DNA strand here, rewrite another there. And it's all, by their own admission, experimental. The list goes on. Yep, I'll be last in line for a shot.
    Perhaps the "nurse" above is now nursing her own wounds of ignorance?

  12. Supplementary reading:
    mRNA DOES affect DNA:

  13. The bottom line is that a vaccine allegedly provides immunity

    If I do not take the shot, or any for that matter, is it not myself who ultimately is at risk??

    This is the fundamental fallacy of the government and educational system that says you cannot join the rest of us if you do not take this thermosil / mercury laden serum because you can then put us at risk for xyz disease

    Failed logic 101 and subsequently 101 again

  14. I do not practice medicine without a license. Therefore I will not tell anyone to take or not to take any medical treatment. For myself I remain: NO WAY IN BLOODY HELL!!!
    And I will qualify that I am not an anti-vaxer. I've had many REAL vaccines before and during my 38 years in medical technology.

  15. I'm 100% down with people avoiding the vaccine if they don't want it.
    Still, for a male aged 55-69, if you catch Covid your chances of dying are about 1 in 150.
    There are now more than 27 million cases among the 330 million people in the US. That means that in a random gathering of nine or more people, the odds that at least one person is infected are better than even money.
    The decision is yours - make it an informed one.

    1. 57 year old male here. I took my chances and got it and got over it. The worst was the lost of taste & smell for 2 weeks. I've had worse bouts with the seasonal flu while much younger. The WuFlu is a Plandemic to steal the election (done) and for the commie great reset. It's gonna do what it does and no mask, distancing, or "vaccine" will stop it, but repurposed drugs will cure it.

      Head on out to for some great info and the protocols that have saved thousands of lives for pennies.

  16. We can talk science all night. From the very beginning with fake studies to suppress HCQ, to today's cancle culture and everything in between. Problem is 85% of the population are not up to the task.
    I dont argue with friends and family anymore. I just say "If you trust big pharma, take the shot. If you trust big government, take the shot. If you trust big media, take the shot. If you trust big tech, take the shot."

    After that. Well everybody made the choice that fits for their life and lifedtyle.

  17. They lied about masks. They lied about lockdowns. They lied about the death rate. They lied about tansmissability. They lied about the susceptibility of young people. They lied about the danger of opening schools. They lied about the source of the virus. They lied about hydroxychloroquine. They censored all open debate. NOW - these exact same people are saying that we all need to be vaccinated. Never trust anyone who has deceived you even once.

  18. Nursie - if you decide to come back, could you please explain how your N95 mask will protect you from a virus capable of escaping a level four medical facility? Or maybe you could explain how 1, 2 or 3 surgical or cloth masks will prevent anything. If you would like to use the analogy of using a chain link fence (or two or three) for keeping out mosquitoes, be my guest.

    While you are at it, please enlighten all of us about how this entirely new vaccine technology, rushed through approval in record time, is just as "safe" as Zantac, a drug deeemed "safe" after extensive testing, including animal tests, and put through all the standard rigors demanded by the FDA, then approved for over-the-counter purchase and new facing a sea of litigation?

    Lastly, I would also love to hear your wisdom concerning the previously mentioned treatments, proven effective by far more clinical studies. If we already have simple, cheap, even prophylactic treatments available for a virus now known to be far less deadly than first supposed by "experts" with far more training and experience than your 20 years, why the push for an untested "vaccine" that even the manufactures say is no cure?

    1. 1. Even an n95 alone isn't enough. Agreed. Too many ace receptors in the eyes. But it helps. We wear additional gear in surgery besides the masks...its a lot when we operate on covid patients...pages.
      2. Read the side effects on any drug and you'll lose sleep. I'd rather have this technology than some of the other crap that was pushed through as a vaccine 50 years ago. But that my opinion.
      3. I've taken several of the "other" treatments as has my family. I think there are several things that work that had bad press by the experts.
      4. Don't think I'm a koolaid drinker, just didn't like the article.

  19. P.S. I have yet to read the article so I have seen none of the reasons prevented there. What I stated above are those I've been saying all along.

  20. 86 yo dad has been done with life & the pains of his body for a few years.
    First shot, had a heart attack that night. Kidney function 18. Released to Hospice & back to his room at the home. Paperwork screwups, three weeks later he got the second dose. Back to the hospital (shouldn't have because he was in hospice). Kidney function 15. He died 75 hours later.
    NEVER tested positive for covid in spite of pnuemonia last year.
    A story is that the local hospital vaccinated (medicated?) all the staff one day. 60% called in sick the next day, which trigger the governor shutdown because they no longer had levels of bed capacity. Nobody could have seen that coming!

  21. Ref vaccine manufacturer immunity (heh!) From liability: long standing fact . Look up "vaers". There's a fedgov program to indemnify folks injured by vaccines, including tetanus vaccine.

    Having said that, as an RN on 40+ years, I have never once administered a vaccine thinking, "This stuff will not prevent the disease".

    Not gonna start now.

  22. I'm not getting the shot, but you just wait. Before long they'll be forcing people to prove they got the shot before they can enter the store or other public places. The masks we're forced to wear now will be replaced with something you'll have to show to prove you've been 'vaccinated'.

    1. You're right.
      But there may be "religious exemptions" for special groups. Like at the airport [1], where certain groups don't have to go through the nekkid scanner, and they can't be properly patted down either (not even by women). So pious (or self-proclaimed "pious") Muslimas go through security with a pat on each shoulder in place of the patdown.

      This may be a good time to become a pious Muslim transwoman. In this day and age, neither inconvenient surgery nor exogenous hormones are needed to become a transwoman. You can even keep all your parts.

      [1] I'm not saying airport security makes sense. What I AM saying is that if people are going to be forced to go through that bullshit theater, then EVERYONE needs to go through that bullshit theater.


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