
Friday, February 12, 2021

American Police State: No Questions Allowed

When does a free state become a police state? Is it when government declares itself "essential" but religious worship "selfish"? Or when making a living becomes a crime? Or when free speech rights are afforded only to those who say "correct" things? Or maybe when tens of millions of Americans find themselves unexpectedly labeled as "domestic terrorists" by the military-media complex overnight?

Perhaps the telltale sign is this: simply asking why becomes subversive. Questions become bigger threats than foreign missiles. Words are regarded as weapons legally possessed only by those in power. For all else, they are rendered contraband.


  1. thank you - and for the Merle link

  2. Gooolllllyyy, I didn't know the three percenters were an organization. Where can someone sign up? Asking for a friend...

    1. Do not put your name on any list right now. Even if you agree with a group, you can read about them, but do not join or spend lots of hours reading their propaganda. Any group like this is infiltrated by fbi thugs and monitored full time by NSA. The spies know more how a group like this will plan some "action" than the leadership (of the group) itself and then waiting for the group to act. Stay away.


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