
Friday, February 12, 2021

Officials: Chauvin was ready to plead to 3rd-degree murder in George Floyd case

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was prepared to plead guilty to third-degree murder in George Floyd’s death before then-Attorney General William Barr personally blocked the plea deal last year, officials said. 


  1. Floyd died from a heavy drug overdose..according to the autopsy..had enough dope in him to kill several people..the press ignores the facts as usual.

    1. What he died of was an od sped up with acusive force followed by delayed medical help.He was going to die from the of but the time wasted on the arest ment that the cops became vllians not the er.

    2. The ambulance was enroute. Protocol is to keep the person lying down so their heart can continue to pump during the OD.
      Clearly he was not choking. He spoke easily.
      In an OD blood vessels dilate and flow to the brain is diminished because of altitude if they are upright.
      The process has been around for a very long time.

    3. How damn convenient that the autopsy found several drugs in his system. Of course the ME would NEVER LIE in his report of cause of death because they're part of the court system and bound to help defend their fellow members of the court. Oh, did I tell you about this bridge that have...

      The rest of you can disagree all you want. I believe Floyd was executed because Chauvin was just one more asshole cop who thought he could administer his own street justice to teach Floyd a lesson for resisting and ended up killing the guy. Look at Chauvin's record. He had three excessive force complaints THAT WE KNOW ABOUT. In other words the three excessive force complaints that are ON RECORD are ones that his superiors were forced by circumstances and the victim to put on record. There's no telling how many more were swept under the rug by his superiors because the complaining party was either a convicted felon or had a list of misdemeanors a mile long. Thus, in the eyes of police force superiors, these people don't have the right to complain ABOUT ANYTHING. There are cops like Chauvin on every police force in the country and on big city forces there are more than one. Until these bad cops are weeded out by their thus far complicit superiors, there's going to be more George Floyd's dieing in police custody for no reason and more cities being burnt to the ground because of it.


    4. Oh, Nemo... What about the fact that Floyd almost Floyded himself the previous year, under almost the exact circumstances, but was pulled out of the overdose at the very last minute after the docs said he was most likely going to die?

      What? Not heard that? That he was arrested for drug charges, chugged his stash before being handcuffed, acted like a complete maggot to the cops, shouted that he couldn't breathe, the cops put him down, with a knee across his upper shoulders and neck, and he flatlined several times on the way to the hospital but was finally revived?


      And you know wat? I know a cop, a good cop, who doesn't dick around, or use excessive force, who has a stack of excessive force complaints and other charges of malfeasance laid against him, because he's just that damned good at sniffing out criminals and bagging bad guys.

      You don't go by complaints filed. You go by complaints sustained (that means proven true.) Which Chauvin didn't have. Complaints filed, yes.

      Floyd was just a convenient useful idiot. Who fucking killed himself. Wah. Just like that asshole in Atlanta, who fucking drew down on cops and got lead and copper poisoning over it. Wah, another fucking grifting crook shot down in his prime, and the world is a better place for it, until other grifting fucking crooks made him and Floyd fucking martyrs.

    5. @Beans: First I've heard of that. Do you have a citation? Not disputing, just looking for independent, preferably official, confirmation.


  2. I call BS on this story being true. Anonymous source and the New York Times?

    Why would you pleaded guilty when using a trained submission technique?

    1. Why would someone plead guilty to a lesser charge to avoid a trial on multiple charges, including at least one more serious one? Especially so in a case where there is no way that any jury is going to acquit the guy, as I'm sure they'll be reminded of what happened in a similar incident in LA?

      It's the smart move in this situation. Dude's fucked no matter what, so angle for the best possible bad outcome.

    2. Why would someone plead guilty to a lesser charge to avoid a trial on multiple charges, including at least one more serious one? Especially so in a case where there is no way that any jury is going to acquit the guy, as I'm sure they'll be reminded of what happened in a similar incident in LA?

      It's the smart move in this situation. Dude's fucked no matter what, so angle for the best possible bad outcome.

  3. Needed him to be pre-trial thru the election, so blm/antifa would have a reason to be in the streets.

  4. Anon at 4:42. Floyd had od'd on swallowed drugs in the past and had been revived . I don't see ME lying in such a high profile case knowning swamp lawyers would have another autopsy done anyhow.

    1. They have to keep the disinformation going, blame the white man, blame the police, blame society. Don't place blame were it belongs, on the chicoms for poisoning our young and stupid. Can't get any social traction with the truth.

  5. Drop all charges now. Let 'em burn Minny down-they need the heat.

  6. Mister Floyd was a suicide.

    Mister Floyd chose to suicide by inserting a massive overdose of illegal drugs into his colon.
    Mister Floyd contributed to his suicide by consuming a massive amount of alcoholic beverages.
    Mister Floyd accomplished his suicide while committing crimes against his neighbors and against his community.

    According to the videos, First Responders did everything possible to sustain the existence of Mister Floyd.

  7. I would like to hear from the person responsible for delaying the release of the bodycam footage as to why they waited so many weeks to release it


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