
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Americans Shouldn't Be Treated Like ISIS Insurgents
Members of the political class are buying into burgeoning fantasies about a second civil war, indulging visions about sparring with parts of their own subject populations. In the wake of recent conflicts culminating in the Capitol riot, prominent figures have been extrapolating from our violent polarization to a dystopian future of insurgency within our borders. Officialdom seems dead set on fanning the sparks of existing political strife into something resembling a national house fire.
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If fighting comes it won't be "a second civil war", it will be a revolution. There is a big difference. The forces of evil will never admit that because it would mean that THEY are the problem and the target. Hence the misdirection.
ReplyDeleteThe revolution already happened and we missed it. They were sneaky in dissolving constitutional rights, but when they got away with gun control they'd essentially won. What comes next is a counter revolution, kinda like when a bobcat figures out it's been caged.
DeleteExactly, If the idiots in charge don't back off it will go to a revolution against ruling by decree (Executive orders) and Draconian Laws (Green new deal and gun laws). They are clueless they should review the video of the Virginia gun rights marchers last spring 6,000 UNARMED protester allowed on the state Capitol ground upwards of 15,000 ARMED PROTESTERS outside of the Capitol grounds. In addition they need to look at all the PEACEFUL protesters at the TRUMP RALLY on the 6th of January this year. They are too caught up in their own power trip to learn Even Bernie Sanders said if the biden administration does NOT back off their executive orders and not trying to work with the republicans on some issues the DEMONRATS are going to lose big in 2022
DeleteIt’ll likely be like putting every civil conflict of the 20th century in a blender.
DeleteIf there were Isis-like American insurgents, the CIA would be providing weapons and funding.
ReplyDeleteI guess if I am to be treated as an insurgent for being peaceful, law abiding, and wanting nothing more than to be left alone to serve God and family, then the risk of being truly terrifying to the ruling class has no downside does it?
ReplyDeleteIsn’t Brennan a sniveling card carrying communist and a muslim too? Still amazes me he was once the CIA director. Talk about anti-American, this man should be one of the first to be arrested and tried for treason.
Brennan is actually gone. He was executed.
DeleteI’m not sure where you got your press release in Brennan’s demise. Check the date - it may have been issued a couple of months early...
Deletefrom Media Bias Fact Check:
ReplyDeletePolitically, Reason falls within the Right-Center category based on economic positions (right) and socially liberal positions (Left). These positions often put Reason Magazine at odds with President Trump's agenda regarding tariffs and free trade.
That should tell you all you need to know about what this article is about and it isn't about telling people that some people are thinking about civil war.
This article is designed to further ferret out sympathizers for the cause of civil war by eleicting comments to the article on Reason and anywhere else it might be reprinted. The fruits of this ID process will be used during the next crackdown by TPTB so that they can round up "known collaborators" in the first wave.
I know, this sounds like just another crazy conspiracy theory. Ask yourself this question: why is TPTB hovering up ALL web and phone traffic, then running ALL OF THAT DATA through algorithms to identify patterns?
As some guy once said "avoid crowds".
If ya ain't on their list by now, no need to worry to much about getting on one of them.
DeleteCorrect, besides harvesting from any archives they have extensive resources, just look what BoA did to help them on 1/6!
DeleteBuy a gun mag at the store any where, anytime?
How about that funny freedom shirt or cup online?
Anyone who is or was a member of any gun group, bought a gun with a background check, CWP holder, hunting\fishing license, et cetera et cetera is known.
Blog comments are only another piece of the fantasy they will spin...and then there is the kiddie porn they found on your computer or phone.
We definitely shouldn't be. I mean, we will be, but we shouldn't be.
ReplyDeleteLet's say... on day one, MARXISTS whack a million deplorables.
On day two, deplorables whack a million MARXISTS.
Who wins?
My money is on the de-population crowd.
The ilk of bill gates comes to mind.
An insurgent definition via Grrrgle: "1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent. 2 : one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of one's own political party."
ReplyDeleteKey word here "revolts" as in revolution as in revolutionary. This defines those who desire to transform our nation into a democracy or a socialist/communist state. Our nation is none of these things. Our nation is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. Pardon me for raising my voice but this term seems to be overlooked again and again.
What is a constitutional republic? It is a nation founded by a document called a constitution. Said document expressly limits what our government can and cannot do. Ours also expressly defines in ten amendments certain God-given rights to ensure they are protected. This document provides a framework for us, as citizens to govern ourselves. WE are the "government" so to speak because WE are endued with the authority to govern ourselves via elected representatives.
Thus, as citizens we cannot, by definition, simply be labeled "insurgents". I was going to say "unless we act forcefully against our own government" however, after a second thought this does not fall within logical parameters. Consider this: those charged with enforcing the law of the land are allowed a certain amount of leeway when it comes to using force. Our nation as even resorted to violence countless times against individuals and even other nations. Even in our own history The Battle of Athens, TN (AKA the McMinn County War)force was used when corruption was rampant. These citizens were not “insurgents”. They had no intention of overturning or overthrowing their government but rather restoring it. My contention here is the use of force alone does not define insurgency. Force must be justifiable, ultimately in a court of law in necessary, but it cannot be the standard for defining an insurgency. Neither does an act or acts by one or more citizens justify the use of force. Certainly, even some of those trying to forcefully transform our nation into something we are not are, by definition, insurgents.
In short, there must be another way. First we, as citizens of this nation must recognize a true definition of “insurgency”, whether said definition follows my ideas or not. Second, we citizens must accept the responsibilities endued upon us be birth or naturalization. We need to step up, claim our right to govern ourselves and throw the true insurgents out. We need not do this violently. We have the force of the law of the land – our constitution. As for those who are truly insurgent, there is a simple standard we can apply to our representatives: have they voted or supported laws or actions contrary to constitutional constraints. At this point we need only ONE metric – this last impeachment and trial of Donald J. Trump.
It does not take a legal scholar to understand the wording or intent of an impeachment. It is to remove a sitting government official. Donald J. Trump is not. That is all. End of story. Thus those voting to impeach this private citizen or continue with this blatant abuse of their granted authority are themselves unfit to continue in office. We need to stand up and insist they not only stop this instant, but immediately resign from office. Once we rid ourselves of these political hacks, we can continue to purge our respective governments of those who would corrupt the foundational document of our nation. Note, by “purge”, I in no way mean anything violent but simply demanding they step down.
This could be the rebirth of our constitutional republic, however it will not happen on its own. It can only be the result of citizens stepping up to our rightful place.